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  1. I am not sure, @Dashinka if an i407 is needed. On Reddit, i have been communicating with someone whose parent was denied SB1. Never filed i407, and then had U.S.C. spouse file a new i130. Then got a GC with same A number. OP can go this route too. Apply for SB1, denial and then DCF i130.
  2. I try to help. The annoying thing is when the people I have helped do not come back and explain the process.
  3. Fine, @Crazy Cat. Op - this was 8 months ago and they got their visa in 4 months. I would apply for a new green card because you say she wants to naturalize. There is a small nonzero chance that they will give her trouble for the absence over the last 6 years. Naples DCF is fast.
  4. I advised someone on reddit a few months ago to DCF Naples. Not military and it was fast. He got it in under 6 months. I will find that thread and post here.
  5. Interesting - Brooklyn field office is in Manhattan. 26 federal plaza is in Manhattan - I had both GC and N400 interviews there. Manhattan field office on 3rd flr, Brooklyn on 8th.
  6. The person you are really messing up is your older daughter. She will grow up feeling like an American, but will NOT be one. She has no path to a GC unless she marries an American.
  7. Before you file i-130, do you qualify for direct consular filing? Can you get a US based job offer?
  8. I have helped a few on Reddit who did not know that they were U.S. citizens at birth (seems to rife in Canada). 1) was your daughter born in wedlock? If not, you need to have spent only ONE year in the U.S. prior to her birth. 2) in wedlock - 5 years, 2 of those after 14. 3) are either of your parents US citizens with the required 5/2 residence? She would qualify by filing N600k.
  9. IF2 IF1 for wife. https://ohss.dhs.gov/topics/immigration/lawful-permanent-residents/immigrant-classes-admission
  10. Buy her a plane ticket and apply for 1st time passport.
  11. Asked and answered. There is no space on an i130 or i140 or DV form for a second spouse. ZERO. Man can divorce one wife. Talaq, talaq, talaq while wife is not menstruating. Be fair and give generous spousal support. Man can include ALL of the children + one wife. Exwife can be sponsored by a USC child once that child is 21. When exwife comes, you can cohabit without getting married. Immigration is only difficult for POLYGAMOUS Muslim men.
  12. It seems fairly clearcut. I'm going to leave out diversity - how he have filled out the diversity entry is probably his best way forward (and divorce the other one). Polygamy is legal for Muslim men in most Muslim countries. If the husband is a US dual citizen, then he broke the law. Pick one wife, divorce the other. It is arguable whether the non US wife broke any laws here. So ASSUMING US wife is sponsoring him, then he has to go with that US wife and divorce the other. The US wife (however) broke US laws by practicing polygamy - so entirely possible embassy will never give him an immigrant visa. ASSUMING someone else is sponsoring him, he WASN'T committing a crime by practicing polygamy. Now that he desires a US green card, he must divorce one of the wives. That wife gets to immigrate with him. He will have GREAT difficulty bringing the other wife even if he divorces 1st wife and sponsors the other. Someone who is of the mindset that polygamy is OK (given the great SOCIAL costs of legal polygamy in Muslim countries) should maybe reconsider his decision to immigrate.
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