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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Local Office
    Boston MA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met on a train outside of Prague in 2019. Six months later we ran into each other by chance, again in Prague center. And two and a half years after that, through social media we found out we were both in Milan at the same time. Third time is the charm.

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  1. Hi everyone, You have all been immensely helpful to me already, so I am once again coming to you for help. At the advice of members of this forum, I have gone ahead and married my fiancee (👍). We are applying for a CR1 and will be filing the I-130 and I-130A online. There is a section of the online application that requests the beneficiary's information in their native written language. The exact instructions are copied in an attached image for reference. The problem is that my wife is from Belarus where her native language is Russian and her birth certificate is in Russian, but she currently lives in Czech Republic. There are no documents with "her name and foreign address in their native written language" (i.e. Russian). Would a copy of her original birth certificate in Russian and a copy of her lease be suitable for this section? I only worry because her birth certificate does not contain her foreign address. Thank you all in advance.
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