That's generally not exactly how this works.
From what I've seen, majority of cases that get denied are denied automatically at the start of the process by looking at yes/no answers, as well as making sure that there is nothing obviously fishy in the application, so that is where most of cases that are denied get tossed. But, since I got that off my anecdotal evidence (That being following K1 data for far too long.) So, also have something somewhat more concrete.
If you look at Lawfully USCIS Case Status Message Explorer, 1% of Cases that are at 'Case Was Received' stage progresses after an average of 408 days to 'Case was Denied'. As a comparison, 60% of Cases with status of 'Case Was Received' cases are approved after an average of 415 days. So cases that are denied on average take less to deny then cases that are outright approved take to be approved. That is not mentioning the fact that vast majority of cases are approved, and I mean vast, like, Lawfully also says that currently 48.5% of K1 cases for January are approved, 42.3% are being processed, and 9.12% of cases have been denied. And, a funfact, months ago, and I mean months, the amount of cases that have been denied for January was like 8%, since then, something like 48% of all cases that were pending were approved, and at most 1% got denied, so, in short: I know this is hard, but it's very unlikely you will get denied, paradoxically, the longer you wait, the less likely it is you will get denied. At the very worst, you will have to wait two and a half months more before you will be able to send an inquiry to USCIS. (Usually, for a vast majority of folks, if you send an Inquiry and then get a response, case won't take that much longer.)