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Everything posted by AsientoDelNegro

  1. ..okay so why are you on my case without provocation? Do you listen to yourself, you sound like a fevered, mindless, attack dog. Accusing innocent people of crimes, of domestic abuse. What's wrong with you. Telling people they're not listening to advise and are lost causes, simply because they're asking questions and giving their two cents. Seriously, grow up and get out of this gang up mentality.
  2. Okay screenshots only, got it. Yeah numbering is good so they connect the dates. I mean, listen, I still might not submit it, but if I do, this is good to know. Thanks.
  3. You obviously believe you are apart of some tribe of some sort and seem emotionally invested in punishing people who you are prejudiced against, without provocation. Good luck with all that.
  4. I was going to submit it through their tips page, I could link to a image holder website, and a video holder website, where they could click on a link I provide and they could easily view and download the screenshots and/or the video.
  5. "..continue abuse..," what are you talking about? I've just been asking questions on whether or not to hand in screenshots of violations of work authorization, and I have conceded that nothing will most likely come of it. You people just seem bent on framing me as an unrepentant murderer of innocent orphaned children and the elderly, or something equally hellish. Christ. What's wrong with you people. A few folks here seem extremely bias towards sponsors and American citizens. Jesus. It's hard to focus on salient advise when it's peppered with constant reflexive damaging assumptions and prejudgements. Ridiculous.
  6. ..what obvious reasons, that people will take advantage of marriage, and use it to circumvent the employment authorization laws.
  7. So short of killing myself, which more and more seems like not such a bad idea. There's nothing I can do. Got it. Thanks.
  8. They can't accept recorded media, so they can't accept video? Or by recorded media, does that include capturing methods, like screenshots, photos, etc? I have screenshots of text messages that show she violated her work authorization, is that admissible? I can also video screen record the text message threads, so that they can see the messages in their entirety, and in context, with dates, etc. I was thinking of submitting it that way, together with the static screenshots.
  9. Yeah but if she willingly quits her job, isn't that in and of itself a violation? This makes no sense. It's like the sponsor has no rights. I understand that as the sponsor I'm responsible for her, ultimately, but does that give her the free reign to be belligerently taking advantage of my sponsorship. That doesn't seem right.
  10. Yeah but I have clear evidence of her working before we were married, i.e., before August 2021. And you're reading a lot into exceptions, no..? You're assuming as such.
  11. ...I'll consider your advise, but I can't let go of the fact that I don't see anywhere on USCIS website that backs up what you're saying. That basically, she can do whatever she wants and break any laws and has absolute immunity, now that she has the all encompassing and all powerful green card. It seems I have nothing to lose by reporting her and testing your theory.
  12. I'm willing to accept any punishment they have for me as a first time offender and someone who isn't an immigration law expert. And as someone who was initially in a loving relationship with my spirited and plucky wife at the time, who convinced me that it was not a big deal. I doubt I'm going to get the chair.
  13. ..Luckily, we filed for divorce jointly and uncontested. It's just going to take 12-15 months to finalize, per the lawyer, because of covid slow downs in the courts apparently. It was filed literally a week after I submitted my Benefits package at work, so she's going to be on my benefits for a year. When I get back from vacation, I will attempt to talk to HR directly to try and get her off of it.
  14. So if that's the case and she has her 2 year Green Card (not her 10 year green card, not her citizenship), then I should just go ahead and report her and see what happens, and leave it in the hands of USCIS. Worst case scenario is USCIS does nothing. Best case scenario is that something and someone finally holds someone accountable around here, for lies and deception.
  15. ..But I appreciate the caution you advise and I still humbly thank you for the feedback. Really, thank you. Just trying to process all this and add my two cents.
  16. EDIT: ..first of all, the domestic violence claim really irks me. Some people seem to have no idea what undeniable domestic violence is, and you throw it around casually without considering the one you're accusing. I'm sorry, but shoving someone once (after you catch them cheating and they refuse to leave when you tell them to (regardless of the legality of asking them to leave, that neither of us had awareness of at the time)), who popped right back up and wasn't injured in any way, is not domestic violence. Get real. She has never had any scars, bruises or injuries on her, ever, from anything I did to her. And if that is the standard for domestic violence, then I have a video of her aggressively taking my phone out of my hands with a scowl on her face. Also I have many texts of her using aggressive language towards me, and can pull quotes from her expressing that she's going to kill me. If we're going to be mindlessly literal and verbatim about everything, then fine. Also, there was one time we were arguing (usually about her never listening to me, and about me suspecting her of cheating or sketchy behavior and her vehemently denying it) and I was attempting to leave the apartment without telling her where I was going, and after she asked me where I was going; and then she puts her hands on me and pulls me back in the apartment, from the hallway, and wouldn't let me leave. There was another occasion where a similar argument occurred, and I stepped out again, and was walking outside, and she catches up to me and doesn't let me out of her sight and harasses (since we're using legal terms with reckless abandon) me by refusing to let me walk alone. So if we're going to start throwing accusations around, then we're going to have to consider her indiscretions also, and be consistent with these uninformed assessments of patterns of behavior. I'm sorry, but she's not the dandelion you're making her out to be. Christ. Have an imagination and grow up and be sensible. I'm taller than her, yes, but she is a tall athletic woman and is very vocal and not shy at all. You have no idea what you're talking about.
  17. ..Also, you're saying she's untouchable now regardless if I have clear evidence she violated her work authorization, because it's too late, according to your own words. Yet on USCIS own website it clearly says that there is no statute of limitation. ..or am I missing something?
  18. ..first of all, the domestic violence claim really irks me. Some people seem to have no idea what undeniable domestic violence is, and you throw it around casually without considering the one you're accusing. I'm sorry, but shoving someone once (after you catch them cheating and they refuse to leave when you tell them too (regardless of the legality of asking them to leave, that neither of us had awareness of at the time)), who popped right back up and wasn't injured in any way, is not domestic violence. Get real. She has never had any scares, bruises or injuries on her, ever, from anything I did to her. And if that is the standard for domestic violence, then I have a video of her aggressively taking my phone out of my hands with a scowl on her face. Also, there was one time we were arguing (usually about her never listening to me, and about me suspecting her of cheating or sketchy behavior and her vehemently denying it) and I was attempting to leave the apartment without telling her where I was going, and after she asked me where I was going; and then she puts her hands on me and pulls me back in the apartment, from the hallway, and wouldn't let me leave. There was another occasion where a similar argument occurred and I stepped out again, and was walking outside, and she catches up to me and doesn't let me out of her sight and harasses (since we're using legal terms with reckless abandon) me by refusing to let me walk alone. So if we're going to stark throwing accusations around, then we're going to have to consider her indiscretions also. I'm sorry, but she's not the dandelion you're making her out to be. Christ. Have an imagination and grow up and be sensible. I'm taller than her, yes, but she is a tall athletic woman and is very vocal and not shy at all. You have no idea what you're talking about.
  19. Sponsor Wants To Report Soon To Be Ex Wife For Work Authorization Violation. I have countless text messages of her discussing working at a cafe and as a nanny, throughout our 2+ year relationship (1+ of those years married), before she received her EAD/social security card, etc, in November 2021, for authorization to work 2/2022-2/2024. She has her 2 year green card, travel and work papers. I want to inform USCIS of her work violations. My only hesitation is my liability in all of it. I was aware she was working and warned her many times about working without a Social Security number, but she never listens to me. On a side note, we're divorcing because I have screenshots of her cheating on me, and her stuff is still at my place after I kicked her out of my apartment, which she is not on the lease to. I have since refused her to retrieve her stuff, and was attempting to get her to sign an affidavit that would simultaneously prevent me from reporting her for any reason, and for her to not lie about anything she may claim I have done (she lies a lot, to get what she wants) in order to expedite her citizenship journey. I also have texts from her and her friends detailing that I'm a good guy and that she never said anything bad about me during the entirety of our relationship. Her friends, who were at our wedding, even expressed that what she has done to me was stupid, wrong, embarrassing and crazy (after I showed them the screenshots of her cheating). Literally, I have the messages/screenshots of all of this. I'm just paranoid because she has a video of me shoving her the day I confronted her about her infidelity because she refused to initially leave the apartment. Also, through the affidavit, I wanted her to pay me for back rent and medical insurance benefits to the tune of $5,000. Now she has refused to sign. So I'm concerned about the texts I've sent her detailing the affidavit while warning her that I would report her to USCIS. But I have half a mind to report her any way, and just be honest with USCIS about me attempting to recover expenses, and my culpability in initially just taking her word for it, when she expressed that working prior to an EAD was "...no big deal and everyone does it," her words. What do you all think?
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