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Everything posted by Needhelp345

  1. Oh no I understand that! Just is it ok that it shows that I don't have enough to support my spouse on my i-864?
  2. So on my I-864. It clearly shows that I cannot financially support my spouse BUT I have a sponsor who obviously can. My uncle BUT there's no spot for him on the form so do I just file as is or try to include him on the form. He's already finished his i-864. I'm stuck on this part. Thank you to everyone who offers help.
  3. So I have to also submit an i-864 as well? So I have to submit 2 i-864s in total?
  4. So the first page it says you need to show proof of US citizenship. Wouldn't the SSN number that is required to be inputted be enough to proof US citizenship? Also does only the joint sponsor need to submit the i-864. Or do I also need to submit an i-864?
  5. Thank you I will go reread the instructions again. I'm stressed out so I must have missed it. Sorry yeah I forgot the correct terminology I apologize.
  6. So I'm looking for some advice. Is it ok if I use my family's bank account to make payment to the NVC as I do not have an American bank account. It's been awhile since I've been back in the United States. And my second question about the affidavit of support. I need a cosponsor. Who can that be? Is it only close family? And does it need to be filed right after the affidavit of support fee has been paid? Sorry for all of the confusing questions.
  7. So I apparently submitted the wrong marriage certificate....I'm an idiot who submitted the keepsake version (please don't laugh) and so my mother got my marriage certificate from the county clerk. She also got another affidavit to back up my marriage. Not sure if it's needed but the letter mentioned secondary evidence. Of which none I could provide because it just wouldn't exist. Is it ok for her to send the materials to immigration with the cover letter they gave me in the PDF? I ask because I'm so worried. I don't live in the US and I'm worried about the documents getting lost in the mail between there and here and then the final destination of Texas. Can she just send them and if so does she need to do anything special?
  8. So when I submitted it they asked for expected address in the US and I gave them one of my family's because I'd assume we be living with them temporarily. However they are moving very soon. Do I need to change that? I've checked on the USCIS website and they only ask about my own physical address and that has not changed nor is it expected to for awhile. What should I do? Sorry if the question isn't clear.
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