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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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    California Service Center
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  1. Thanks Carmen for the precision. And sorry if I was out of topic. I thought it could help someone in a similar situation as I found no other thread talking about this black hole that is Administration Processing in Montreal. Wishing everyone to have a quick resolution on their journey. 🙏🏻✨
  2. Hi everyone, Just wanted to share my feedback on my recent experience with the AP process for those who had their interview in Montreal. I had my interview on Jan 22, got verbal approval, but had to wait for medical results (received Jan 24). My status remained as 'REFUSED' for about seven weeks before finally being issued yesterday on March 15, with a few updates along the way (mostly as a result of my emails). We may never know if these actions helped, but for those in Administrative Processing (AP) after their interview, I recommend trying the following: 1. Email with subject "ATTN: IV UNIT SUPERVISOR" and your case number (email: montreal-iv-dv@state.gov). We sent this email on March 6 and the next day our CEAC was updated without the usual confirmation email, which maybe indicates that someone actually did something to our file. 2/ Try reaching out to your congressman. We contacted them last Friday (March 8 and got approved within a week (March 15). It likely had an impact.
  3. Hello everyone, I'm wondering if anyone has requested their passport back from the consulate while they were under AP. The embassy has held onto my passport since Jan,22 and I can't imagine myself being away from my husband any longer, especially if it may take months before my visa is issued. 😢😔 Is it possible to request the return of my passport during AP? Would this impact the overall process and potentially extend the waiting time? Also, does anyone have the link to the Fox News video someone shared regarding AP? It seems to be private or blocked in Canada... ;-/ thanks ✨
  4. Hi! may I ask you when you finally got your visa? thanks!!
  5. Hey there! Any news on your side? I'm also stuck in AP since Jan,22... ://
  6. Hi everyone! Does anyone know what we should do if we change our address during AP and selected home delivery for the visa?
  7. Oh wow... so does that mean it could take about 6 months to process my case (as my interview was on Jan,22)? Even if I haven't been given a form or documents to send over? 😨
  8. Hello everyone, I had my interview on January 22, 2024, during which I was verbally approved (they advanced my interview, which was originally scheduled for January 25th). However, the officer retained my passport because my medical dossier had not yet arrived. It was received two days later, on January 24th. They didn't give me any paper, 221G or so... Since then, there have only been two actions taken on my file, on January 24th and February 6th. It's been nearly a month since then, and I haven't received any further communication (tried to email them but the answer is generic). I've heard that under normal circumstances, I should expect to receive my passport after 6-8 weeks. Is this still the case? Has anyone recently gone through a similar experience? My biggest concern is that I'm moving on March 15th. The person taking over my lease will be in touch with me in case they receive my passport (I requested delivery via Purolator). However, if my case gets stuck and takes longer than 6 months, do you know if it's possible to request a change of address or arrange for pickup of the visa delivery? I've asked around, but no one seems to have been in this situation before. Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your help and support. And good luck to you all ✨
  9. Thanks for your answer Hopefully, I will receive some positive news within the six-week window! I wish the interviewer had provided me a more accurate timeframe when I asked about the return of my passport. They mentioned it would only take a matter of days, so I went ahead and arranged to transfer my lease and booked a plane ticket for March 15th. It's a bit nerve-wracking, but I still have some time ahead. In hindsight, I realize it was my mistake; I should have waited to have my visa in hand before making any arrangements. 😅
  10. My interview was on Jan,22nd (CR1). I got approved on the spot, but they kept my passport while waiting for my medical to be sent to them. They also told me that it might only take a few days to process, but it's now week 4 (they received my medical on Jan,24), and my status still shows REFUSED. Last action was on Feb,6th. Is anyone in the same situation or has an idea of how longI should start to panic? 😩
  11. Hi! Does anyone know how long it might take for us to get our interview letter from Montreal embassy? We got NVC qualified on Sept, 1st 2023 (CR1-US citizen) We'd love to have a slight idea on the upcoming timeline if anyone went through it recently. thanks for your help!
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