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    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. Hey guys, I filed my I-129F about 7 months ago, so I know I still probably have to wait at least until November/December for any kind of NOA-2 response from USCIS. I have been trying to think ahead and figure out the logistics of my fiancé moving here once his visa gets approved and we get married. I've obviously done an insane amount of research on the K-1 process, but what I remain slightly confused by is the AOS and work authorization process. Can anyone shed any light on how long we might have to wait until he can legally work after we get married? I was not previously as concerned as I am now because I wrongly assumed that even though he couldn't legally work for an American company until our EAD is approved, I thought he might be able to work remotely for a European company (he's an EU citizen). I was dispelled of this notion after doing some research (because America literally wants to collect taxes on everything), but with some projections saying that the EAD takes up to 6 months, I don't understand how USCIS can expect couples to survive that long without dual income. I have a full-time job and some savings, so by I-134 standards, I could financially support him for a short time. However, he has no savings and is not currently working since we both just graduated from college. Any insight would be much appreciated! 😊
  2. My fiancé lived in the UAE for multiple years, and I lived there with him for about 5 months. He and I were both on student visas, so I am not quite sure how the requirements differ for people on tourist visas, but the process for obtaining a UAE police certificate is actually extremely easy and can be done entirely online. I personally requested one for my fiancé and it took less than 24 hours. USCIS technically stipulates that you are required to present a police certificate for any place you resided in long-term, and I believe they specifically ask for all former addresses (abroad and domestic) within the last five years. I think it will probably be necessary for you if you mentioned on the I-129F that you lived there. But like I said, the process of obtaining documentation from the UAE is genuinely so much easier than it is to obtain them from local police stations in the US because all of their information is stored in one national system. Hope this helps!
  3. The data I've seen luckily seems to indicate that Greece is fast. I'm not so sure about this website's accuracy and it doesn't specifically mention K-1, but every appointment wait time listed (regardless of visa type) is less than a week. Hopefully this helps! https://visagrader.com/us-visa-appointment-wait-times/greece-grc
  4. Thank you so much for this extremely detailed response. This clarifies so much! After I saw your reply, I started filtering through visible timelines who filed with the California Service Center and have received their NOA-2 in the past two weeks. The current trend seems to reflect that March 2022 filers are being reviewed en masse. So hopefully, if it's as you say and they begin reviewing a new month every 3 weeks, they'll get to us pretty far before the new year.
  5. I filled in December 2022. It should have been mid-November but I sent the I-129F documentation from another country and customs took forever. I have obviously seen the report about USCIS's goals for reducing current backlogs (https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/reducing-processing-backlogs), but when I look at actual processing times (https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/) for the California Service Center, it's saying that the I-129F ALONE will take 16.5 months. Am I looking at correct information? If that form alone takes so long to process, how long will the rest take? Also, can I use USCIS's new cycle time goals to leverage my congressman into assisting me with this when the 6-month waiting mark passes?
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