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PK Tomas

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Everything posted by PK Tomas

  1. My fiance asking me just come to the US with ESTA, after 90 days we'll get married as someone told him .Does anyone can give me any advice regarding this? My concern is after 90 days ,i may get in to trouble as well because that is like living in the USillegally.
  2. Thank you so much for all informations
  3. I will let my fiance join this community,since he is US citizen he knows stuffs better than I
  4. Thanks for all your informations,I just random clicked on K1 visa ,but as I mentioned,I/we have no clues about anything.one of my friend from Japan ,she came to the US with an spouse visa and she wasn't able to work and still waiting for her work permit. Our concern is which way is allowing me to get to work right away instead of seating home waiting for year,if we getting married in hawaii am I allowed to get to work right away?I use to work for US company more than 15 years.I thank you everyone for suggestions and advices. Tomas PK
  5. Hello everyone . My name is Tomas PK , I am from the Netherlands. My fiance is from Hawaii and planing to get married in hawaii. We have no clues or idea what we should do, get married right away so I can get to work as soon as possible to supporting our life or just get spouse visa.For us it's no different ,we just want to be together ASAP. With Dutch nationality, I have ESTA which I have 3 months right to travel in the US.If any one have any suggestions, I will be very appreciate. Love
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