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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Norfolk VA
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  1. I'm on the same month as you and this just made my day 🥳
  2. Congratulations on your NOA2! I hope the wait for NVC is short and you have your interview soon! ❤️
  3. I honestly don't know how that works. But now that I'm thinking about it, it's fiscal year (which ends in september). So maybe that's why!
  4. I am an early September filer so I have WAC22, i think i would freak out if i had WAC23 😬
  5. Heyy, what does that range mean and also how do you find it?
  6. Thank you so much for the info! Yeah it's definitely a very expensive process but I guess it's good expensive in our case 😅
  7. Hey, this might be an irrelevant question to this thread but I'm interested to know, which company did you use to ship your stuff? We are Sept 2022 filers and I'm currently thinking to start shipping stuff too from europe and there are so many companies but some of them have very different prices and i cannot understand why.
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