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About VisaSaurus

  • Birthday September 12

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Local Office
    Dallas TX
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  1. Got it! He is still within his first 90 days so we are going to wait that out first and do the right thing as best we can. Thank you.
  2. Thank you for the responses and info. I guess my bigger question was.....If his H2B visa expires in Nov 2023 but we get married in October 2023 should he still return to Honduras or could he stay while we file for the AOS?
  3. First off I don't know if this should go into the Work Visa forum or here...please forgive me if wrong. Me (US Citizen) and my fiance (Honduran) have been together for almost 9 months now. We have been working on preparing our K1 Visa application (not submitted) when he got approved for a 6-month H2B work visa. He is now in the US working at the same job he worked at last Summer when we met. I have visited him twice in Honduras as well as the US. Some of his family and coworkers have told him that we could get married and he would be able to stay legally while paperwork is processed. I love him and would marry him today if it doesn't complicate or ruin any future chances of a green card. We want to get married while he is here on the H2B visa. Is this a bad idea? I have so many questions! 1. What would the process change to from the K1? 2. Could he travel back and forth (sick parent) at all back to Honduras during this time? Advice and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
  4. I've seen several different styles of K1 Visa packets. Binders with sheet protectors, top fastener style, folder with paper clips, etc. What did you use and why? What is preferred in 2023 since they seem to be scanner more and more now?
  5. Thank you. I guess that is what I asking....if I could just print it myself here in the USA or if it had to be something more official.
  6. New to the process and just beginning to put things together. My future husband is in Honduras and we have already met once and planning on a second meet in April. The I-129F form requires a "passport style" photo to be attached. What is the best option to get this from him? Normally, I would go to the local post office or Walgreens to get this done but there there are few options. He can get a photo but how would it get to me? In other words, is there an electronic option I am overlooking which I could print here in the US? Thanks!
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