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Everything posted by A..

  1. How did the interview go? I hope everything goes well..
  2. Thanks. Still waiting..
  3. Congratulations. My dq is 22 nov and I haven't received IL yet. I'm confused if I miss the email. Can you let me know if they do any other update on ceac website other then email if they send IL. My case status shows ready. Thanks
  4. Congratulations! I wonder why I'm not receiving IL letter.. dq date is 22 nov, case auto expedited on 10 may, last updated on 7 june, status ready, but still no IL. @Zkhan can you guide me how to confirm IL other then email, if somehow we haven't received email?
  5. @Zkhan have you received IL?
  6. They are covering around your dq date already so what is the purpose of expedite.. I think we both should receive IL soon anyways. Though this situation feels hopeless sometimes. I think no one can understand the pain of this process other then we, who are going through it.
  7. I have same DQ date and did not receive IL yet.
  8. Yeah that's why I'm concerned. Thank you for information.
  9. So I need to get 1 booster shot only? I already have first two doses. At hospital they told they do 3 booster shots after first two doses.
  10. Is first two dose of COVID vaccine enough for COVID vaccination or should we get boosters? Or how we can get polio vaccine? And any other relative information we should know before medical? Please guide. Thanks
  11. You can expect to receive IL in last week of current month
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