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    K-1 Visa
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    Texas Service Center
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    Los Angeles CA
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  1. Since so many people are going through similar ordeals, are there other legal routes people are aware of that they can share to expedite the process? I looked into filing an expedite request under humanitarian grounds with USCIS, but there's $2500 fee. It just seems outrages considering we've already paid and we've already waited 13 months. I know everyone says not to have the fiance come on a tourist visa and get married, but I've got half a mind to invite her with the express purpose of getting married and being upfront about it. I will tell the officer that we tried to do things the legal way, but due to circumstances outside our control, the situation became untenable and they forced our hand. It's unethical for the US government to keep us apart for so long. Moreover, my fiance is in China under increasingly anxiety causing, suppressive conditions. With the deteriorating US/China relationship and the impending Taiwan war, we worry a time might come soon that she will not be able to leave. Lastly, the fee unfairly discriminates against less wealthy couples. We don't have the money for the expedite fee, but any thoughts on if this argument would hold up? I know how naive it might sound, but we're feeling desperate.
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