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Everything posted by TD6886

  1. CR-1 is the best way to go, for the same sex like the only way is K-1 I'm so glad the interview schedule is better than before. Good luck with the interview guys.
  2. You can login from anywhere, but only 3 or 4 time in 24-hrs. we got locked out a few time LoL.
  3. I see, Mailed the application Dec-5 and Biometric Jan-8 I'm happy with the processing time. I don't know what to plan or prepare just gonna wait until we get the next instruction from the Boss. because nothing anyone can do. !!!
  4. we just have the biometric done 3-hours ago, and now the status checked on: step-2 and step-3. Next step is 4 "case decision" is that mean they skip the interview. ?
  5. Wow that's suck. from what I'm understand USCIS-NVC-CONSULATE have nothing with each other, every department doing their own thing. You will not be able to expedite anything with them (someone here can correct me if I'm wrong) Timeline and family tree just bring it with you, l almost think 95% case get decision before the interview. I know it is hard that you both been waiting for all these months but you can't do anything at all. The best you can do right is get all the support documents and follow the next step by their rule, there is no shortcut or expedite so don't get yourself stress out. My case is difference 6-months is fast, some case could see years.
  6. Nightmare because it does not have an open slot you have to keep checking, . Do it together mean you login in US and she login in VN to check for the open slot. But be careful login too many time the system will lock you out for 72-hours.
  7. Bring these 2-docs and all the evidence that you have and just hope for the best there is nothing you can do at this stage just relax. Now you can start the DS-260 and wait for the package-3 which they will mail that to you by courier, when you get this you then can schedule for the interview this could be nightmare. (don't pay anyone to this you guy have to do this together).
  8. HCMC is not the same as other. just bring your time and Family Tree with you. we didn't have that and got a blue slip and we have to submitted these 2-things and 6-months later we got approved. PS: we have tons of pictures/airlines tickets/hotel /vacation trips together..v...v...v they didn't ask to see anything at all. asked : name/DOB/how we meet and hand out the Blue slip ... I really think the looked at the case before the interview. But no one can't answer this.
  9. We just got the text too for the biometric
  10. This is too much to follow for me , lock box-center..ect. My head hurt LOL. I'm just gonna wait until they tell me what to do next, since we can't control what is going on anyway. The hard part is over, my partner is with me, we just going to enjoint our time together. We just can't leave the country until then. Happy holidays to you both !!!
  11. Haizzz . I hope Chicago lock box move quicker than that. wishing the best of luck
  12. and you are still waiting for biometric appointment ?
  13. So yesterday We got 1-more NOA said : that they are processing the case and will make an appointment for biometric if required. (I'm sure we needed) I guess 1-notice gave the online access code and 3-days later notice for Receipt of the application.
  14. 81-days hummm I think you broke the record in here. Hopefully I got lucky like you because we came from the same country LOL.
  15. Received NOA1 in the mail Monday Dec-16 Posted date Dec-12. set up the account, next is waiting for biometric appointment.
  16. I got you. I already search December 2024 was not there. so my post for New York or anyone going to the same lock box then.
  17. If I have my way , I would never go for K-1. back in the day maybe , but Now K-1 is costing more and take longer.
  18. it's take 15-months holly #######.!!! are you filling for K-1 ? was there an issued or just normal process time frame.
  19. He Entered to JFK Oct-18 , Got married at the courthouse Nov-7 , wedding Nov-24 , submit Only I-485 (not all the other forms) on Dec-4 To Chicago lock box "elgin, IL 60124-7700" so confused about where to send the package ( for me anyway), today Dec-11 the check cashed. Let see how thing move from here. !! just want to share the lock box location for New Yorker and time frame for December-2024 AOS K-1.
  20. lucky you . I will out of work if I'm taking that much time.. have fun
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