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Everything posted by WMBB

  1. yes I updated my timeline on the spreadsheet. The dates are exact.
  2. Hi Everyone, My long wait is finally over. My CEAC case finally changed to Issued today! Now I await my passport. It has been a very long road since the interview (Nov 22, 2022! Yes, 2022!). And I also had to wait a year for the interview itself! Given that we sent all requested documents and passport in for which were received on March 22, this stretch felt the longest. We asked our Senator for assistance. She did follow up with Montreal yesterday I believe. Whether this is just coincidence my case would have been approved today regardless, I do not know. I will give her the credit though. I checked first this morning and the date change so I know something was possibly going on, but still refused. Then checked early this afternoon and it read Issued. Thank you to this group for your continued support. You were a life line during this. None of you should be here! It will be my mission going forward to advocate for change! I wish you all nothing but the very best and hope your Issued day will finally come, sooner than later! Stay strong and fight! If I can do this so can you.
  3. thank you, that’s rather comfortably to hear
  4. So realistically how long am I to wait for Montreal to finalize and issue my VISA? The requested documents, including passport have been received (or at least with their mail processing center) since March 22. The google doc tracker shows some are issued a week after submitting but some are up to 8 weeks if not longer. this is beyond frustrating since this could have been issued in November 2022 after interview but thanks to DS5355 it was not!
  5. same went for me as well, I had to update my DS-260 online, and them submit to them the confirmation page, along with my passport, new photos and new police certificate (aside from the new medical that was emailed).
  6. it seems their new norm these days is at least 10+ business days. since your subject line clearly notes what your request is, I would hope they acknowledge such sooner.
  7. I did not receive this, as they had only requested a list to what I needed to since provide. However, I have also heard that this is their new standard wording for cases that are still under review.
  8. Thank You. We filed WOM in mid-Feb 2023 and it was concluded around March 31, successfully, followed by the request to resend passport and do another medical. This was then paused as my F2A priority date retrogressed. I am now a IR1, as my husband applied for citizenship (it took him only 6 months from start to finish - March 1 he was sworn in). I emailed the consulate a few times this March of the visa classification status change, only to then have our congressman do the same to initiate the change. Emailed them on March 1, 7 and 14 with proof, only for them to email back confirmation on March 18. I am hoping they will acknowledge my documents soon, as this wait has been agonizing to say the least, as you all can relate.
  9. Thanks! I was in AP from November 2022 to end of March 2023 (proceeded with a WOM). They then requested I do another medical and send passport back on April 3, 2023, to then only tell me my F2A category had just retrogressed and to ignore their request. As of March 1, 2024, my category changed from F2A to IRI. I am grateful, as my F2A priority date (April 2021) is still not current and likely will not be until end of year. This has been a very long road!!!
  10. Hello, I was notified on March 19 to resubmit my passport, obtain another medical (expired), updated police certificate (expired), update DS-260 (expired) and current photos. All provided and such were received on March 22. And now I wait...
  11. Congrats!!! It will be interesting to see if they will process your medical and passport once received, instead of you having to wait another 6-8 weeks? With you having to wait as long as you did in AP, I would hope they will process your documents first then someone who was just interviewed. It would seem only fair. Do you think they prioritize mail like this - older cases first?
  12. Does anyone know how long mail sent to the mail center takes to be transferred to the consulate? Is it once a week or something? And then when it arrives at the consulate, is it further sorted, filed and assigned for review? I’m baffled as to why it is taking 8 weeks if not longer to review one simple document.
  13. Hi all you lovely people, I have been on this forum for awhile but don’t say much. However I think it’s time I share my story. DQ October 2021. I was a F2A at the time, as husband was only a permanent resident to the US. Requested expedited interview in May 2022 as husband had a heart attack at age 48! He had surgery, was hospitalized in ICU and required post care. Montreal denied the request. So if a heart attack is not reason enough to expedite I don’t know what is. September 2022 husbands dog passed away under my watch. The separation/heartbreak could have been avoided had we had interview in May 2022 and then been all together. Interview was November 2022. Subjected to DS-5355. I am a Canadian citizen and a clean record. Was told I was randomly selected. December 2022 ironically I was RENEWED for my Nexus! End of Feb 2023 issued a WOM. At end of March Montreal finished review and asked for me to do another medical (would expire on Apr 4) and submit passport to finalize. I sent passport back same day notified and booked another medical for next day. A few hours of their initial email they sent me another email telling me to disregard. Because I was a F2A my priority date had just retrogressed so they could not process until current. It was current at time of interview and at WOM filing. Here we are today March 2024! My priority date is still not current. Current date is Aug 2020 and I’m April 2021. However, husband just became US citizen. Yah! Therefore I’m not subject to a priority date. We have emailed Montreal a copy of naturalization certificate and US passport. 10 business days have gone by and no response! The subject line could not be any clearer F2A to IR1 upgrade. No response to our lawyer either. Had congressman follow up and they got a response! It was noted that I was a F2A therefore priority date still not current. Congressman only inquired and not did inform them of the status upgrade like we asked. Clearly Montreal did not acknowledge our email with the upgrade request! Beyond frustrated at this point. I was told at time of retrogression I would need to only resubmit another medical, passport, photos and police certificate. Now waiting Montreal to acknowledge such and put me back in the line. we are also a LGBTQ couple, not that should matter. I feel for all of you in your situations. Just letting you know you’re not alone! I get the need for added security reviews, but there’s got to be a point where it becomes too excessive. Even after all this time, and as draining as this is, I do remain as optimistic as I can! Thus has been my journey so far…
  14. Hello, I had my interview back on Nov 2022. I was placed in AP. I got notified last Monday morning that I was out of it and they would finalize my visa. So I sent my passport back at their request. Later that same day, they sent me another email saying they could no longer proceed because my PD was no longer current. I am April 2021. Would it be possible for them to make an exception if I ask, since this was their error for not instructing me correctly with the first email? I am F2A Canada. thank you
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