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Legend of Summer

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Everything posted by Legend of Summer

  1. yes, they will accept additional evidence during the interview.
  2. might as well file for n400 at this point. edit: didn't see a few last comments. congratz.
  3. what's the first 3 characters of your case #? – EAC – Vermont Service Center; – VSC – Vermont Service Center; – WAC – California Service Center; – CSC – California Service Center; – LIN – Nebraska Service Center; – NSC – Nebraska Service Center; – SRC – Texas Service Center; – TSC – Texas Service Center; – MSC – National Benefits Center; – NBC – National Benefits Center; – IOE – ELIS (e-Filing) or (increasingly more common) a paper filing which has been electronically processed; and – YSC – Potomac Service Center.
  4. she will need to go get a medical check if it's over 6 months and she doesn't need to pay for another interview.
  5. she can't bring her old pillow over wit her?
  6. tough luck. "family tree" was never mentioned anywhere besides after the interview. The family tree doesn't determine if they will approve or not but they will use that information to ask during the 2nd interview. You should DM this person and ask about his/her case—the same situation as you.
  7. yes, it's common but annoying. now all legal paperwork is Thi.
  8. I just got my SSN card and Green Card, but my first name is listed as my middle name from my foreign passport. How can I fix this? Name on passport: Nguyen = last name, Thi Bich = middle name, Lan = first name but the green card ended up as Nguyen as the last name & Thi as the first name. How can I change it to show Lan as the first name?
  9. SSN comes within 2 weeks, Green card takes about 2-3 months from my personal experience.
  10. I heard that you are supposed to get green card before ssn card. But I recently got my ssn card but not green card yet. It’s normal?
  11. I'm not the agent. I won't know but what I'm telling you happen 3 weeks ago. Just like when you enter the usa, you present your previous boarding pass to the CPB.
  12. Never ask for your airline ticket? Are you sure? They asked for mine 3 weeks ago.
  13. As my 5-year visa nears expiration, I've been issued a Vietnamese passport, which bears my Vietnamese first name, while my US passport displays an English first name (with the same middle and last name). I'm concerned whether it's permissible to present my Vietnamese passport at Vietnamese immigration despite the English name on my ticket. Does anyone have this problem and would like to share it with me? Will US airlines allow me to board the plane?
  14. then passport bro won't have a wife
  15. hihi, I notice you like to tell people to move to their spouse's country
  16. Need to visit your spouse once or twice a year even if it's just a short amount of time, showing you guys are traveling together. money transfer to support, having a credit card with their name on it, opening a joint bank account in their country, etc... You'll get a NOIR from USCIS in about 6-10 months. Then you have 30 days to submit all the documentation back to them for review. How many interviews did he do before getting the revoke?
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