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Everything posted by kcpaty

  1. We did get our visa. What a weight lifted.
  2. Hi Gary. We just completed the process Nigeria. Not sure how they differ but once the NVC said Ready was when we completed the DS-160 form together. I printed the final forms for my beneficiary and shipped to him along with other documents that he needed i.e-bank statement, recent taxes etc, that need to accompany the i-134. Once the case was in transit I emailed the consulate 10 days later asking if it had arrived. Once it said ready we tried to schedule appt but had some glitches with site. My partner called embassy and he was scheduled. Not sure if it's the same for your consulate.
  3. Checked yesterday it said "issued". Couldn't believe my eyes. Is it possible have the reverted back to refused or is this the final step? I'm not sure I'd I should be happy or delay the sentiment until passport is in hand.
  4. So we were previously "refused" to "application received" to now "approved". I understand that we want to see "issued"-my question is "approved" means it has to go back to the department that conducted the interview at the consulate for review?
  5. July 11. They did not keep his passport he had to send it in with the additional documents. Also had to send in his police report because the officer on 7/11 interview date didn't keep it-despite it being available in the document provided that day. So I have no idea what's happening. CEAC says "application received" now versus previously refused.
  6. Thanks we had interview but got hit with 221g so we are in administrative processing. No updates.
  7. He was asked if I only had 1 job. His answer was I also had a hobby business which is not making any money since I opened the shop. So they requested evidence of income for that and sent him away. That's all and his passport was checked off on the sheet they gave him. Everything was sent.
  8. They didn't take it. He was asked to include the additional information and drop off passport and that information to DHL. Definitely a rollercoaster. I'm not looking forward to this part. It's part of the process. Glad your husband is with you.
  9. Sounds we had the same CO. We just had our interview yesterday and what an heartbreaking day. 💔 now who knows how long this will take. This waiting game gamble is hard. Wish it were seamless than. But I understand high fraud precautions. Just felt the CO was very judgemental and discriminatory with her choice in phrases towards my partner.
  10. Yes it was sent but I can't imagine how that little tiny bit of record could help. But it was sent. So not sure what else to send in terms of financial support besides the tax, bank statement and letter from my hob stating the annual salary. Now who knows how long the turn around time will be. I rea dminimum 5 weeks to a year 😢
  11. After such a long time and finally reaching interview to get administrative processing for additional financial support when everything was submitted correctly and i am well above the FPL All because my partner was asked if i have another job and his response was my hobby in candle making which is not lucrative. I am really unsure what to even make of this process anymore. So the visa status says refused. Heartbreaking for sure.
  12. I hope everyone from this category has all been able to schedule and/or be approved! May you all be reunited with your partners soon!
  13. Actual welcome letter is needed for scheduling interview period the site and the medical appointment per the medical center. Even when we log in to the dashboard of CGI or whatever the site is for scheduling it asks if we were instructed to pay by consulate. It seems like a real cluster. Thought it would be more streamlined at this juncture.
  14. I am from the January group and ready status was in April. No word from Embassy or packet 3. Tried to call no answer and can't email directly. For all I know it could be another 6 months to a year. So frustrating that there's no way to get answers or check a timeline estimate.
  15. I'm extremely frustrated. "Ready" status was April 6th. To date have not heard anything back after initial contact-embassy told me to be patient that they will send packet 3. I feel like we should be doing something in the interim. Can't schedule interview or medical without welcome letter. Is anyone else experiencing this?
  16. For those still at NVC or "in transit" how is it going for you? Looks like I'm still stuck at embassy waiting for them to send us packet 3. All they say is to be patient.
  17. Have to check NVC case status on their website. Change to immigrant and enter the information. This only works if you have your case information from NVC. https://ceac.state.gov/CEACStatTracker If you do not have it you will have to send an inquiry using the form on their website.
  18. You can do it now. We completed once our packet was "in transit" from NVC to embassy. This was based on recommendation I read on a thread here on VJ.
  19. You complete DS-160. Suggest you both complete together if possible.
  20. I had to send an email to the embassy on April 6th for them to make an update to "ready" they said they are sending Packet 3. Never received. I'm frustrated that there's no other way to track things now besides calling or emailing them. I've tried to reach out to other members within subcategory who were recently "ready" and got their interview dates under 30 days. No one bothers to respond. It's like once you've gotten your interview date VJ is forgotten about I guess.
  21. Received in transit notification 3/15/23. Per tips here on VJ I tracked DHL packet arrival to 3/21/23. I had my partner call the embassy in his hometown 1 week later to inquire if received. They were rude and said just to be patient no information was given. A tad bit annoyed I figured today 4/6/23, I would send an email to embassy myself to inquire. I got an automated response within 5 minutes and an actual response within the hour. I received a login and password to a portal. I tried only 2 times earlier and failed to enter. Then I tried again this evening and got to the page that says create new password and was kicked off. Anyone know what this is for? My partner has not received anything from the embassy. I know we're supposed to trust the process- but not sure what part of the process we can truly trust. I swear if it weren't for VJ many would be lost.
  22. Our case arrived to city 3/21 but it says we are still in transit. My partner tried to call the embassy about 1 week later and apparently they were very rude. That was discouraging. I thought we'd be further along by this date.
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