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Everything posted by Sana22

  1. If they updated your case, keep checking your emails and also email them for a status update. You might be in luck. Maybe another week from here. If all they wanted was an updated record it's pretty much approved and they just need to check one more thing off their list.
  2. Hey, if you gave in your passport then tell him to come down. If you have your passport then your totally free to visit him during the process. I went to usa multiple times while my case was processing and it was never an issue. Just tell the officer you are going for a bit to visit your husband and will be back in a week or so. It took me a year to be cleared after the 221g so your in for a journey. Be patient and positive.
  3. Yeah that's super strange. Use that site and you have to login to your account and once you're all in eventually you should get a PDF document with instructions and make sure to drop it off at one of the approved Purolator or BLS locations close by to you. That should be somewhere on the website through a link once you login as well.
  4. They should have given you instructions to follow a link and instructions are provided to you for sending any documents in. I sent it through Purolator through their safe courier service which goes directly to them at no charge. I didn't do regular mail and I wouldn't suggest that.
  5. Yeah I completely understand your situation. I am in the same boat but I only sent my passport in 2 days ago and I asked them before I sent it in how long I can get it back in and they advised "several weeks" so hopefully between 3 to 6 weeks. So fingers crossed for the both of you sending you you positive vibes. Be positive, your near the end of the tunnel. One last Christmas in this situation. Don't listen to others and get a temp passport to get questioned at the airport/border its not worth it. Just gotta wait it out Montreal is slow. For example, my interview was a year ago and I finally got an email from them asking to passport. They really shouldn't do it to families but what can we do right only suggest our friends and family to not marry in the US LOL!
  6. Hey, please contact your Consulate by email. I had my interview a year ago and finally received an email with documents they require for a 221g and they advised me several weeks so hoping 3 to 5 weeks. It's very different to predict and if you can just go out there and stay with your husband over the holidays, you might as well just do that and then return afterwards. Don't wait on hope because they take forever to get back to us unfortunately.
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