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    CMingo reacted to Kw1097 in Only EB1/EB2 update on NVC (DQ, IL)   
    Hi everyone.
    We had our interview last week so I thought I would put a little update on as I franticly searched for something similar before ours. 
    We arrived at the consulate (Doha) about 45 mins early but sat in the car until 30 mins before. Went through a few different rooms with various security before reaching the final room that looked like a doctors waiting room with 4 windows/desks. We had taken a number from the first pre check room and she had given us a list of original docs we should have with us. Called to the first desk about 30 mins after and asked for original docs, he seemed to just process those on the computer and stapled a few things together before asking us for our fingerprints. Told to take a seat again and that we would be called again shortly. We then waited around an hour before we were called to a desk (you can hear everything in the room too) by this time I was feeling the stress and wanted it over and done with. This time it was a different man who seemed happy and had a friendly face, he asked my husband how long he had been in his profession? Where in the US we planned to go? If he had a job offer? to which my husband replied no, we don't need one with EB2. Happy with everything we said he then just gathered the big pile of paperwork infant of him and said "looks like your all set" 
    He then said the visa in the passport could take up to 2 weeks 😱 my husband needs his passport for work so he explained that and the guy kindly said come back tomorrow at 2pm and we will try and get them done for you.
    The next day we all went again around 1.30pm worried that we wouldn't even get through the door without an appointment but we did. The lady on the desk in the first room said only my husband needed to go any further, myself and my daughter just sat there and waited. Around 30 mins later my husband appeared with 3 passports with visas and 3 brown envelopes 💗 fair to say this was a huge relief.
    We are flying to New York next weekend to enter. Its been a rollercoaster ride and we are glad its all done.
    Good luck to everyone on here, this forum has helped me a lot!!!!
  2. Like
    CMingo reacted to OnPoint in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    My wife, two children, and I finally received our green cards today and our immigration journey has concluded. I started this discussion back in March and am pleased to see that it has been of great assistance to many. Keep persevering, everyone, and best of luck to you all!
  3. Like
    CMingo reacted to appleblossom in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    Update: cards being produced as of 9th Sept, so exactly 6 weeks after entering the US. Hopefully GC's will be delivered this week.
  4. Like
    CMingo got a reaction from appleblossom in Only EB1/EB2 update on NVC (DQ, IL)   
    Sorry for the delay to update my details! 🙂 I didn't have access to a computer while on vacation and was unable to copy the table through the smartphone!
    VJ User
    Priority Date
    DQ Status
    Interview Letter
    Interview date
    Interview location
    @W Herrera 
    Georgetown, Guyana
    @Luis M 
    10/30/23 to be rescheduled as can't  attend 
    Kuala Lumpur
    Rio de Janeiro
    @Rainbow Aligator
    @chy8 EB2
  5. Like
    CMingo got a reaction from Ali1999 in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    Hi, I was DQ on 21-March-2023. But then in May the Visa Bulletin retrogressed...
  6. Like
    CMingo got a reaction from dabursot2 in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    I've just got mine IL too! Interview scheduled also for the 27th Oct!
  7. Like
    CMingo reacted to Julia & Aaron in Visa Medicals London Review   
    I thought it would be useful to post a review of my appointment at Visa Medicals in London on 4th August 2023. I found it hard to find recent ones and hopefully this'll calm someone else's nerves!
    I waited until I had my instructions letter from the embassy before calling to book my appointment. There was a relatively short wait on the phone (better than calling my GP) and I was offered an appointment within a few days. Forgetting that I was still waiting for a letter from my GP and that it was the weekend, I had to call and reschedule for later the same week. The lady on the phone laughed when I said I got over excited.
    I received a confirmation email with instructions like where it is, documents to bring and booking translators (if applicable)
    I arrived at Bond St very early. Killed a couple hours in Leon, found Bentinck Street and had a wander. My appointment was at 11:10am, pressed the buzzer at 11:05am. The email suggests a one in, one out situation. That isn't the case and is probably left over from COVID era. I was worried I was going to be told off for buzzing 5 minutes early, no one even spoke on the intercom, they just let me in.
    Visa Medicals is the first door on your right when you come in.
    The lady on reception asked for my name and 'all the documents we asked you to bring' which threw me a bit. It's probably a good idea to have everything ready to go in one bundle, not in well organised seperate sections of a folder like I did. I think I excepted the doctor to be asking for the reports and vaccination records, not the receptionist. This is what I gave over:
    My passport 4 US sized visa photos (Snappy Snaps can do US sized photos, it was ~£35 for 8 photos) A copy of my ACRO police certificate A copy of the first page of the instructions letter form the embassy with my LND number and visa category Summary care record from my GP Vaccination records from my GP COVID pass from the NHS app Hep B vaccination proof Medical questionairre A letter from my GP outlining past mental health issues, treatments and current mental health status (because I ticked yes to self harm) A discharge letter form a surgery I had in 2016 (because I ticked yes to hospitalization)  
    Note, you do not get these back (except your passport) so make copies for your own records and keep the original ACRO and embassy letter for yourself.
    Here's how the email words the documents required:
    I was sent into the waiting room with two more yes/no questionairres to fill out. The first was very basic and asked questions related to allergies, steroids/immunosuppresants and pregnancy. Anything I ticked yes to, I put a note underneath explaining why.
    The second was more detailed (and very confusing because yes/no swapped places). These are the questions I can remember:
    Have you had an injury or illness that required hospitalization? Multiple questions on different types of heart/thyroid/kidney/liver diseases Have you ever taken recreational drugs? Multiple questions about substance abuse, related conditions and criminal record due to substance abuse Have you ever had thoughts of harming yourself? Have you ever acted on those thoughts? Have you ever had thoughts of harming others? Have you ever acted on those thoughts? Current medications (I also listed non-prescribed hayfever tablets and multivitamins) Any other medical conditions that required treatment? (I put yes - vitamin D deficiency, treated via daily supplements)  
    Someone then called me through to take a chest x-ray. No need to remove my piercings (nipple included) and sent me back to the waiting room.
    A few minutes later a doctor called Michaela called me through. She was extremely friendly and I felt at ease with her. We discussed some of the questions I had ticked yes to like why I had surgery and what methods I used for self harm in the past. She repeated some of the questions to me directly, particularly about drug use and harming others. She told me that the US is very keen to ask these questions due to the availability of guns and the risk of gun violence. I had an additional report on my mental health from my last counsellor, so she took that from me as all evidence is good evidence.
    The rest of the exam was height, weight, vision, ears and mouth. Then I was asked to undress to underwear and socks and drape a gown over my lower half whilst on the bench. Here she took my blood pressure, took a blood sample for syphillis, listened to my heart and lungs, bent my knees around to check for pain and pressed different areas of my stomach. No urine sample was taken due to my age (27) and no past STDs.
    I have a scoliosis in my spine, which she noticed and asked if it caused back pain (it doesn't) and that was that.
    She sent me back into the waiting room while a nurse checked my vaccinations. I didn't need anything done as I'd had my DTaP booster at my GP recently and I'd already had Hep B vaccinations for work reasons in the past. They can do them for you but it may be cheaper to get them done elsewhere before your appointment.
    I paid and was given proof of vaccinations to use when I adjust status. All in all, nothing to worry about but I am glad I was prepared! Good luck to anyone going for their medical
  8. Like
    CMingo reacted to dabursot2 in Only EB1/EB2 update on NVC (DQ, IL)   
  9. Like
    CMingo reacted to Eren in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    I got mine also. end of September.
  10. Thanks
    CMingo got a reaction from appleblossom in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    Yes, I noticed some ILs coming out today! Unfortunately my PD is not current yet, fingers crossed to be current by September...
    Hey @appleblossom, thanks a lot for all your inputs to this forum! All your comments are really helpful! And good luck with your move to the US!
  11. Like
    CMingo reacted to OnPoint in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    Hello everyone! Apologies for my absence and not being able to provide updates. After receiving my interview letter, I focused on gathering the necessary documents, including medical records for myself, my wife, and our children. The interview went extremely well and we were approved right away. The officers were very friendly and didn't ask any tricky questions. The main interview took less than 5 minutes. We should receive our passports with visas in about two weeks. 🙌 🎉 feeling happy guys!
    Here is the timeline:
    Priority date: May 2020
    Documentarily Qualified (DQ): February 9
    Interview letter received: March 27
    Interview date: 5th May 
  12. Like
    CMingo got a reaction from Kalied in Only EB1/EB2 update on NVC (DQ, IL)   
    The final action date is the date when an immigrant visa is available and green card may finally be issued. Date for filing is when NVC sends the welcome letter (when we can send civil documents and apply for the Visa).
    My PD (02-MAY-2022) is current only this month. Will not be current in May, so not expecting the IL soon, unfortunately. Hope there's some improvement in the VB soon!
  13. Thanks
    CMingo got a reaction from Luis M in Only EB1/EB2 update on NVC (DQ, IL)   
    The final action date is the date when an immigrant visa is available and green card may finally be issued. Date for filing is when NVC sends the welcome letter (when we can send civil documents and apply for the Visa).
    My PD (02-MAY-2022) is current only this month. Will not be current in May, so not expecting the IL soon, unfortunately. Hope there's some improvement in the VB soon!
  14. Like
    CMingo got a reaction from Jeshua in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    Hi all, finally I've been DQ'ed! I've just received the DQ email (but in response to the public inquiry I've sent earlier, this is weird). Don't know if it's a coincidence or if I had some news only because I complained! 
    Well, it seems they're moving slowly, 24 days to DQ for me. Good luck for you all!
  15. Like
    CMingo got a reaction from snm2212 in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    I think the platform for working visas is totally different from family visas. I believe the status in CEAC will always be the same for us (fees paid and forms completed only). We cannot even access any Message box there, the system is not useful for us (EBs). Maybe when we receive the ILs the status at the top changes to "At Embassy" or something like that...
    I also think they'll be sending a batch of ILs next week, hope you (and me too) are included! And whoever from this group is DQ'ed by that time, of course!
  16. Like
    CMingo got a reaction from snm2212 in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    Be calm and you'll be DQ too by next week! Fingers crossed!
  17. Like
    CMingo got a reaction from snm2212 in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    My inquiry was exactly complaining about having paid all the fees, submitted the respective form and shipping the civil documents and no response at all for more than the published timelines. Their response was the formal DQ notification email after 3 days...
  18. Like
    CMingo got a reaction from snm2212 in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    Hi all, finally I've been DQ'ed! I've just received the DQ email (but in response to the public inquiry I've sent earlier, this is weird). Don't know if it's a coincidence or if I had some news only because I complained! 
    Well, it seems they're moving slowly, 24 days to DQ for me. Good luck for you all!
  19. Like
    CMingo got a reaction from snm2212 in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    No notice of DQ...nothing! I haven't got a confirmation of receipt either, as you did (my documents were shipped by FedEx).
    I sent a public inquiry to NVC on Tuesday, but no response so far. Just imagining that the waiting time to get the IL might be worse than this wait right now...this is insane.
  20. Like
    CMingo got a reaction from dolibash in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    Hi all, finally I've been DQ'ed! I've just received the DQ email (but in response to the public inquiry I've sent earlier, this is weird). Don't know if it's a coincidence or if I had some news only because I complained! 
    Well, it seems they're moving slowly, 24 days to DQ for me. Good luck for you all!
  21. Like
    CMingo reacted to OnPoint in EB2-NIW Waiting for Interview Letter in London 2023   
    Hi all!
    I was DQ 4 weeks ago with EB2 NIW and am in the queue for an interview now. Any idea how long it takes to get an interview date this year at the U.S. London Embassy? PD is also current. 
    Also, interview experience for EB2 NIW would the great. 
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