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About Petersaad1

  • Birthday 04/11/1992

Profile Information

  • City
    Egg Harbor Township
  • State
    New Jersey

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Mount Laurel NJ
  • Country

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  1. Currently waiting on an CR1 interview in Cairo but this embassy is very backlogged. Per the Malaysian embassy website, non residents are welcome. Can someone let me know if this is only applicable to non immigrant visas?
  2. Thank you. It's looking like Cairo is around 6-9 months. If i get the expedite approved, how long do you think it'll take them to schedule an interview?
  3. Hi All, My wife was DQ'd last month and wanting to see if expediting my case for one of the following reasons would be appropriate. I know it's hard to tell but any info can help. 1) my newborn son is currently with his mom. He was born in Egypt and is a US Citizen who has his CRBA certificate and passport. He is currently getting sick a lot due and has a weakened immune system due to the poor hygiene in the country. I'd like for him to come to America to get treated but he obviously can't be here without his mom. 2) I have a major shoulder issue that requires surgery. I have no one to support me so I'd like to see if my wife can have an expedited interview to come support me. Thank you!
  4. Any news here? What DQ dates are they working on now?
  5. Thank you for the info. One follow-up questions: 1) How can I get her to sign the W7? Just send her a copy, print, sign and return to me?
  6. makes sense...thank you
  7. Hi, I'm currently at the NVC stage and one of the questions asked to determine which financial documents are required is "did you submit tax for the most recent year?" Given the tax season just started a couple days ago, I am interpreting 2023 as the most recent tax year. What's holding me up at the moment is that my spouse is obviously not a resident, which forces me to submit a W7 to get an ITIN so I can file "married filing Jointly". The problem is that I don't have her original documents with me here, so I am in a bit of an obstacle there. Can anyone give me advice on how to proceed? Thanks
  8. Just got I-130 approval but realized we didn't enter any email for my spouse on her I-130A. Will the welcome email be coming to myself (petitioner)?
  9. I had to involve my congressman. They were able to get me an interview quickly.
  10. So..not technically a name change, but my spouse is from a country that uses 4 names. The way I submitted the I-130 for her was FIRST NAME (A), LAST NAME (D), MIDDLE NAME (B,C). This means that her name when she comes to the states will be "AD". "D" is very distant and its not a name she commonly uses. At what point can I "change" her last name to make it "C" for example isntead of "D"?
  11. Thank you. Do I know how I can find the required vaccines?
  12. my wife(beneficiary) is missing all her vaccination records from childhood. What can i do?
  13. Also Feb 2023. California. Still waiting
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