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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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  1. Thank you, I did not know about denaturalization. I probably did do overkill with evidence. right now we are planning on keeping all government issued documents, and medical records along with the police certificates. we will also get a 2nd copy of birth and marriage certificates. I have everything that has been submitted to immigration on a secure USB with several backups.
  2. the main reason is for security reasons. a lot of the paperwork has personal information that can cause a lot of problems. the stack of paperwork already takes up a good portion of my carry on, and I cant put it in my check bags. the less I have to keep track of and properly store the better. why would I need to re-prove something to USCIS? Im genuinely curious. What things can I get rid of now that my wife has her visa? would there be any issue if I just print and sign the paperwork again? I want to keep the amount of paperwork I have to keep track of to a minimum, especially during our move back to the US. If any of it is lost or stolen then it can cause a lot of problems. Im not sure what documents are still needed so I thought I would ask and find out here.
  3. I already have digital copies of everything, with backups. Even digital storage has its downsides, and the less I need to store the better. trying to figure out what physical documents I need to keep besides the usual birth and marriage certificates with translations. For I-864, both the Joint sponsor and I know, just wondering if i need to keep the original I-864 since my fiances will change over the next couple of years.
  4. My wife just received her Visa and we will be moving to America shortly. We have a big stack of documents and are trying to figure out what we need to keep. I know marriage and birth certificates are always needed, but what about other stuff like the I-130, or I-864? here is what I am assuming Keep marriage certificates birth certificates medical exam records shred (destroy) I-130 I-864 Not sure police certificates letters mailed by USCIS. (I have not received any physical letters from NVC)
  5. I checked and the Embassy website says to bring the sealed envelope to the interview. im concerned on why they are messaging me saying the police certificate must be obtained and submitted before the visa interview when I already submitted it. did I get the wrong document? or did the person reviewing the documents not know about Japanese police certificates coming in a sealed envelope? I think its a little funny and confusing how their comments in the document section just says "The police certificate required for Japan is..."
  6. I got a 2 messages from NVC. the first said that All required documents have been received and approved. the second one said "The police certificate required for Japan is not needed in order for the interview to be scheduled. However, the police certificate must be obtained and submitted before the visa interview. For information regarding an acceptable police certificate, please use our Document Finder at https://nvc.state.gov/find" I went to the documents section and in the response note is says "The police certificate required for Japan is..." My wife and I went to the Prefecture police depart where they took her fingerprints and we went back 2 weeks later to get the Police certificate. The police certificate is in a blue envelope from the prefecture we live in with my wife's name and "To: The Authorities Concerned, United States of America (Content: Certificate of Criminal Record ) the back has stamps on the edges where the envelope opens. when uploading I copy and pasted the special seal/format section from the state.gove site in the comments. Did i get the wrong document or did the person reviewing not know about Japanese police certificates?
  7. I just uploaded all of the requested documents to ceac, photographs, passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, all police certificates required. also submitted the I-864 with all supporting documents for me and joint sponsor. Any optional Documents I need to upload? it says the U.S. Embassy or consulate may require additional documents. I checked the "where to obtain documents" and didn't notice anything new. My wife has a passport from a different country, but she was never issued a US visa. Im assuming I dont upload it. Do I need to upload our kids CRBA again or will they get that from the I-130?
  8. Im a little confused now. Do I need to put in a retirement date? I was assuming I did because my dad receives SS and VA pension. Does the date I put matter, or can I put any date?
  9. what would I put if he is still working part time? should I leave it blank if he still works part time? I know he started receiving military pension before he starting receiving social security. he takes a while to check his emails and the time difference makes it difficult to call him. what questions should I ask in order to find out what I need?
  10. my father is a joint sponsor and receives military pension and social security. He has two retirement dates one for military retirement and his most recent one for social security. I am assuming I would put the most recent one.
  11. filling out the ds-260 and have a couple of questions. Personal Information 1 Full name in native alphabet: My wife has a Japanese and Korean name. Do I need to write her Korean name? we are applying in Japan, and here Korean Police Certificate has her name in English. Previous work/Education/Training information My wife was hired by company A, to work at Company B. Company B doesn't hire any employees but has a contract and pays Company A to hire employees to work for it. Should I put Company A down since they are the ones that hired my wife and pay her, or Company B since that is where she works? I am assuming A, but want to make sure
  12. The loans are mine. Im not sure if it would show up on any of the screenings. I know that some federal programs are not available for Immigrants. Not sure how it would look if the FAFSA account did show up. Especially since my wife doesn't live in the US.
  13. I am applying for Income Driven repayment for my student loans. currently with nelnet. My wife and I filed a joint tax return. She uses an ITIN. It says that my wife has to log into studentaid.gove and cosign the request. will creating the FAFSA account cause any issues for my wifes visa?
  14. I have to submit a letter and evidence for intent to reestablish domicile. some of my bank statements are 10 pages long. Do I have to Include every page or can I only include the first page or two that has my U.S. mailing address and bank information?
  15. thank you, I changed the country. I have all the documents, but they are all sitting in a file, not really organized. I want to find out if the Tokyo embassy has a way that they want files to be organized, or stored so they can be easily handed over if requested. much rather get things organized now before the file gets too big.
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