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Everything posted by Dragonsarereal

  1. yes, all I did was name, surname, and attach the photo. Got the case number so I can retrieve it..... I then clicked next when it was approved, and boom, I was timed out. I see that this is a common incidence and I found many past threads online but they all say to change browser. I used Firefox, Chrome and Vivaldi and still no luck!
  2. Hi there! I am a little frustrated as I have the embassy letter, so I went to register/fill my DS160 and I got two issue straight away, using Chrome on my iMac if that matters, and then Firefox. 1) The session logged me out as soon as I pressed next after my digital photo was accepted. 2) Despite using the correct spelling of my surname and knowing exactly when I was born, when I went to retrieve the application, I got this message: Please correct all areas in error as indicated below. Once you have finished, click ‘Retrieve Application’ button to continue completing your online application form. Surname does not match. Year of Birth does not match. I tried a few times but I cannot move forward and the help section does not mention this. I am stuck! Any suggestions please? Thanks
  3. many thanks. Also, I have the list of vaccines and I am not entirely sure - do they also want the covid vaccine for minors? And is one dose acceptable? DO you think they have Covid vaccines there that can be administered (as the NHS does not provide them to most groups) and as we are only having Novavax, is it available as far as you know? sorry and thanks for your patience.
  4. ok so does my daughter have to attend the interview at the embassy? Not explained in their letter..
  5. Phew, I feel better! So the American jab is not available here from NHS or Boots etc for Hepatitis? But your kids could have them at the medical. Does it mean then, that when you arrive in the US and adjust for status, you need a new medical, spending another few hundred dollars with a new civil servant?
  6. Thank you, so one account, two forms and two payments. I am sure I can schedule the interview.
  7. Hello! We sent our application for K1 in October 2022 and we were told it was going to be sent to London in mid November. Following the statistics from here we assumed I would receive my letter from the Embassy In March. Instead, I received it this morning, to my great surprise. So, here are my questions as I am confused....and I have checked already this online but I am not sure. 1) I am migrating with my 16 y.o. daughter. She will become 16 in January. In the letter from the Embassy they state 'ALL visa applicants require a medical examination' and 'completed DS-160 Visa application form for EACH family member applying for the VISA.' However they also state, 'as a fiancee', If you have children applying under your case number, you may 'add' applicants to your account after you have added your own details.' Therefore it is not clear to me at all if my daughter needs to file a different application and pay the fee? So confusing. 2) My daughter is attending city college and doing one GCSE in Psychology. Exams are in mid and end of May. If I fill up forms now, we will get the VISA far too early and it will expire - together will all the medicals/ACRO etc in six months - which is before her exams. For those of you who understand the US high school system, is it worth it for her to sit this exam or are we just wasting time as it won't maybe be accepted as a one year credit? 3) Just scared of feeling ill , but I read of several rather heavy side effects from the NHS site, after having Hepatitis B vaccines (which apparently are four!). They are mandatory until the age of 59 and I turn 59 in January. Does it mean that if I start now, very slowly, I can try to finish them later in the USA, and maybe skip the last? Needle hater here and I am worried about the liver problems. Same for my daughter, I hope that her Meningitis C and Hepatitis A & B won't make her feel ill for weeks! Ideas? I didn't know they were requested until I had a new check this week. I thought we were done with all (except for Covid which we plan to take later as Novavax is not available here) Many thanks PS I will try to update my status but so far no luck LOL
  8. thank you so much! so there is such a thing as 'summary'!
  9. Thank you. I went to my GP yesterday. I had asked a YEAR ago for my vaccine records and still they had not printed them. So they did that, finally and while I was there I Asked about the letter, quoting 'summary' and the receptionist kept saying, 'We don't understand what it means, give us a LIST with specific things to talk about' (and the letter costs £26!) I guess I will tell them what you guys said. I emailed the London doctors and they flat out refused to give me any explanations, (On 2 more items as well) saying I can ask for them when I 'call to book the appointment' by which time it will be far too late....
  10. I have another question. It looks like I will asked to provide and ACRO certificate for my 16 y.o. and for me. I got an enhanced police certificate last month due to my work with minors - can I use that instead?
  11. Certainly if they meet strange people they might check for STD ètc. That’s the only medical form I found. Maybe new ones are available but most links were broken. Anyway seems that there is no reason to be concerned. Aside from the fact that me and my daughter do not like the idea of having blood taken. We hate needle!s!
  12. thanks for the link! The medical came as a pdf called 'IV018a-IV-medical-letter-Aug-2016.pdf' where you read ' which I attach underneath for your attention. What to Expect at the Medical Examination The medical examination consists of a physical examination (eyes, ears, nose, throat, extremities, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, skin and *external genitalia*) chest X-ray,'.... IV018a-IV-medical-letter-Aug-2016.pdf
  13. Is there an official source where I can find out how selling our own house abroad impacts our income in the USA? I looked long and hard and found nothing. I am moving to WY and the state laws do not mention anything similar. Anyway I will sell the house earlier to avoid it as in the UK this would be tax free.
  14. thank you. It's from the official source that they say they will check the external genitalia. Will put house on sale earlier!
  15. Good point, I will ask my boyfriend, he is conversant with property laws….it will be interesting to see how the American tax office would calculate my capital gain. If I pay rent in my area that will be over £1,250 per month, so if I multiply that for eight months, that’s a lot of money wasted away.
  16. thanks, I can't find that forum, and that's why I posted randomly, where is it please? I am totally lost. sorry.
  17. Hi there, despite a long search I cannot work out where to post my questions, so please bear with me, this is confusing. So, we filed for K1 In October 2022 and on the 16th October 2023 the petition was approved and is now somewhere between California and some other American office, before it gets to London. Initially we thought we would finally get a Visa by mid May but things are going faster now. I know that at least 6 members of this forum are going through the same process and some had their medical already. I am trying to organise things now so I don't have to rush in the end. I do have some things to clear with you experts! Where do I post these questions please? House sale. I have a house to sell. It won't be easy. It's opposite a van dealer, on a busy road, but it has a massive back garden. It might take some time to see people visiting. An estate agent told me last month that right now from the offer to completion is taking 12 to 18 weeks. That is a long time. Assuming that I will be flying away in mid June 2024, (as my daughter must finish College and pass her GCSE) does it make sense to put the house on sale as early as February? And did anyone here manage to sell privately without estate agents? Did you have to move to an air b&B in the end? It sounds all very complicated as buyers can pull out at the very last minute without losing a deposit, (We are in Norfolk, England) and I dread what would happen then, as house prices are going down. Belongings reaching the USA. I saw some good notes about them, from this amazing forum, so how early is it possible to send them as part of the immigration process? is it possible to send some boxes earlier and some later or would that cost a lot more? I am not sure I can survive without my things for months while waiting. The place I am moving to is a rather remote WY town. Which company did you choose and how did it go? 😊 Electrical items. This is so confusing. OK - so I get it, the USA use 120 V and the UK 220 V. There are transformers on sale but I read that appliances do not work well when using a transformer, especially if they use a lot of KW (say, a Vitamix blender, a powerful hair dryer). I have a digital piano that would cost me £2,000 to replace and it will be cheaper to move it to the US, but I am very concerned that it won't work properly after all. It's an old Technics and it's hard to find anything well built, with the same acoustic piano feel in the keys in new pianos. I looked and looked and I talked to many experts before coming to my conclusions. What is your experience? I also have a brilliant ice-cream- making machine worth £300 and it uses (I think) 230W so I am looking at possibilities before I undersell them. Items exchange. Is there anyone out there that is moving here and would like to acquire British good and exchange? It seems so silly that every time people move, they lose out and must rebuy everything at a much higher price. Is there a website for this? Medical examination. My daughter is coming with me. She will be 16 then. Will she need a medical, too? Is it true that they assess your private parts? Scary. Also, in May (where we are more likely having the interview, according to timelines) there won't be any updated flu or Covid vaccine available, is a waiver going to be given? To my great surprise, a lot of the links from the embassy and links given here re. the medical etc are broken or take you to a document form 2017 so it's hard to tell which information is accurate and up to date. Document translation. I still use my married name as it's my family name and my business/website name. It's in all my documents and I had changed it legally from my original one to the married one over 15 years ago via Interior minister in Italy. So my birth certificates show both surnames. Do I need to show a translated version of the Italian legal document of name change? Thanks a lot for directing me to the correct forum for this.
  18. thank you, I might repost somewhere else!
  19. May I ask, as you guys are more expert, what would happen if I change my existing K1 VISA (sent petition in October 2022, papers will arrive approved in Nov 2023, looks like I will get all approved by June 2024) into a CR1? My concern is that then my K1 will stop and we have to wait another 2 years? Or maybe if I change it now, when the papers will arrive in London the process will go faster as it's now a CR1? Confused...
  20. Also, the CDC has just made a slight change to the Covid19 vaccination. One dose is now accepted so that the candidate is not delayed, and he can get the second dose later. Source
  21. It’s difficult to document the many phone calls I made to doctors and vaccination centres. I tried to get NOvavax but I was told every time that it’s not possible. The important fact is that the principles behind the lifting of the jab should apply to everyone and not just to non migrant arrivals.
  22. Hi, for now they are lifting the visitors requirements. However nothing is mentioned about the immigration jabs. However today I found this ‘ Blanket waivers for the COVID vaccination will be applied in countries where the vaccine is not routinely available or when the vaccine is not age appropriate.  The Department of State encourages all immigrant visa applicants to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible to not experience delays in their visa processing.’ at the moment in the uk the jab is now restricted to over 75 or immune suppressed individuals if I understand well. I would love to hear by those who have interviews after the 11 may what medical they are getting! Because of the jab us not available then could I assume that it won’t be required? I have a year before my papers will even be seen as I applied in October 2022. Why the jab is required only for immigrants when all other categories don’t? It’s not logical. Link is
  23. Wow i didn’t know that a private GP can provide any vaccine. At the moment, India and other countries offer nasal spray vaccines and also Sinovac, none of them MRNA, but unless one travels to the foreign country he cannot get them, and must be resident too. I called the vaccination centre and I was told that I can never choose which vaccine and it will be MRNA. I would not count on immigration vaccines being lifted soon. There is a difference between tourist visas and immigration of K1 visas. To live in the USA one must take all their jabs including flu. It’s safer to refer to CDC website ètc to ensure we understand what is lifted, as many journalists are copying from one another but not investigating nor understanding the different laws and procedures needed to amend them. Good luck!
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