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    K-1 Visa
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    United Kingdom

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  1. thank you! Found my answer on USCIS later, https://www.uscis.gov/tools/designated-civil-surgeons/vaccination-requirements ' Certain vaccine series can only be completed with multiple visits to the civil surgeon. Am I required to complete the entire series before the civil surgeon can sign the Form I-693? A. You are only required to receive a single dose of each vaccine when you visit the civil surgeon. You are encouraged to follow up with your private health care provider to complete the series. Once you have received the single dose appropriate at the time, the civil surgeon can sign and certify the Form I-693.'
  2. Okay guys, that was very useful, thanks a lot. Now my last question about the -added vaccine- to the medical files... We both had the first dose of Hepatitis B which was fine for the medical. Now though I wonder if it's mandatory to have dose 2 and 3? The papers do not specify this. Also, hepatitis B is mandatory unto 59 y.o. and I will turn 60 in January. USCIS so far says It will be 5 months for their decision. I was hoping to avoid it as needles are not my favorite (my arm ached for 3 days after each vaccine) We now both have doctors appointments to sort out the vaccinations. Thanks a lot!
  3. thanks K1visaHopeful, you can perhaps move this post to the other thread. I will need to re - read the form I693 to understand the timing. I read in the forums here last week that someone who like us could not complete the vaccinations as not available, did them in the USA and when required to submit the medicals, simply added the certificate of the vaccinations, without going to a Civil Surgeon. This is why I was asking. I read the USCIS description of the DS3025 many times and it did not answer my questions re.what happens here in the USA. I appreciate your help! BY the way my missing vaccination box says D which I found out is 'not available' and not 'deferred'.
  4. The check box has many lines, one says complete. the last line says I elect not to be vaccinated at the time of the medical. So it's clear to me that the form is not complete. I guess I will be asked to send it at some point. USCIS so far has not asked me for any more documents. Thanks
  5. we thought that the immigration vaccines were done so we could be safe in every day life including school. Also the USCIS has not explained at what point I am to give them my medical documents with all the results and jabs?
  6. thanks! Yes we will do just that. We never knew that in the UK she would get the adult dose of tetanus etc which was missing something!
  7. hi all, no sure how to reply specifically as this site is always slightly confusing for me, so here are my comments. My medical has an extra sheet saying clearly that I need further vaccinations, and I also signed a document saying that I know that and I will provide them later. For Covid they wrote D as deferred. Under flu though they wrote K1 under the date, and nothing else. Not sure what that means! And sorry for totally messing up the name of Civil Surgeons ha ha! In the UK Civil Servants can be lawyers, doctors etc
  8. Hi all! Well, we made it, got the K1 VISA after a successful medical and moved to the USA from the UK. As it was March 2024, when we did the medical, flu vaccine was not available, and Covid was not unless one was 75+ Also, the medical team accepted my photos with my daughter while she suffered from varicella (Chicken pox) and wrote down 'history of the disease' thus she didn't have the varicella jab. Move on to September, she is going to high school in Wyoming and the nurse asks for more jabs. She wants her to repeat the Tdap as her last one in 2024 was an adult dose and thus missed Pertussis (whooping cough). But over here nobody has Pertussis alone as a jab. Plus the pharmacist told me that unless he has a letter from the doctor saying it is safe, he won't administer another Tdap before the 7-10 years have passed from the last jab. But the nurse insists. She also ignored the clear photos of chicken pox on my daughter's body and said they 'appear to be chicken pox' but she needs a doctor to confirm that. However I cannot log into NHS anymore to log up my old notes and sure enough we did not bring her to the surgery with an infectious disease, so I doubt there is anything there. I got the chicken pox vaccine a week before she was born and I got a huge herpes rash on my face right away and I would rather she doesn't go through that. What could we do? We just got our Covid Jabs yesterday. Last month I asked a local Civil Servant doctor how much it would cost to add to our medical that we both had the jabs (and soon the flu one). She asked for $350 EACH. I almost fainted. Just to copy one line? So I looked at all the threads here and one said that it is actually *not* necessary to bring that to the civil servant, just send over or bring the new vaccine documents. We had our biometrics weeks ago and waiting time is 5 months according to USCIS. so...did you have a similar experience and managed to pass the full medical in the USAwithout all these troubles? As for school requests, the nurse told me I could request a religious or medical exemption to the state. But I might need a primary doctor for that and I am still looking for a good one. So confused! Thanks for any tips!
  9. Thank you! Oh well, such is life, I guess! Who knows, maybe the new President will simplify the process? I mean, most of it can be conducted totally online and in a much shorter time....dream on...
  10. THANK YOU. Thankfully I don't have several children. But when (In two years) we renew the green card do we still have to pay another $1,000+?
  11. hi there! Yes, one more question please! Got married in June and now my husband is preparing the papers for adjustment of status. All good so far, but today, after much reading he said that actually my 16 y.o. daughter needs to file a separate adjustment of status and thus pay the full fee, doubling the expense. What a shock! I didn't realise that as up to now all the forms included her as she is a minor. Could anyone confirm if this is the case? Thanks all!
  12. I did. Also wrote wrong numbers (as I had just read them quickly). Our question was if asking for the SSN separately would somehow slow down or complicate the AOS process but it doesn't seem to be the case. However, it looks like I cannot just get a SSN with a K1 visa if I remember correctly. I need a work permit first...
  13. wow thanks for the info. I am totally defeated. I just wanted the SSN for the bank account but looks like I will be searching for a bank that doesn't ask for it.
  14. I've been reading all along. Problem is that sometimes I get confused with all the forums and even with searches I cannot find the correct topic. The new fee of $1044 is massive....plus for Authorisation to work being $250 it's a total steal.
  15. wow, where do we get this data from? I am applying now, so once they create a new case, how long does it take for them to read the only line asking for the SSN and then move that part to the SSN department?
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