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Everything posted by Adnan03

  1. Hey everyone, just a quick update on my dad case. He passed away 4 months ago in a cancer hospital while in treatment Bangalore, India. His cancer was diagnosed and doctors said that it’s stage 4 and spread inside his body. They found that it’s already in his brain, lungs, liver, and kidneys. They did cyber knife radiation to eliminate the tumors in his brain first (6 sessions). After that they started with immune therapy with low doses of chemotherapy. He was doing great with the cyber knife radiation therapy but wasn’t doing good when they started chemotherapy. My dad had heart problems but once they started chemotherapy it got worse and they said that he had cardio myopathy which is incurable and only option was to get a heart transplant. But the state that he was in that the doctors ruled out it as well. He was in ICU for 7 days and then they got him out when his situation improved a little bit. I spoke to him in the morning my local time (EST) then in 2 hours he was no more. I am still reeling from my dad’s passing and struggling to accept the fact that he is no longer anymore. I sincerely thank everyone who has helped me here with their knowledge and advice. Please keep him in your prayers. Thank You.
  2. Do you know any market place from where I can buy this essential insurance before the interview?
  3. I think I should be able to buy insurance for him once he is here. I am hoping if all goes well with him ...to put him under treatment while waiting for the interview.
  4. I am trying to gather all the relevant information in terms of medical here in US.
  5. Thanks all for your kinds words. I am not sure what stage he is at or if this cancer has spread to limp nodes or other organs. I just came to know about his diagnostic today. He currently has a medical insurance back in home and I can get a medical insurance for him here as well once he's here. Usually, lung cancer patient doesn't survive that long and I am well aware of this as I have to be realistic. He was a chain smoker and he had lung infection 15 year ago and hospitalized during that time, even though he recovered that time. Three weeks ago he started to have difficulties in breathing and thus we admitted him into a hospital and eventually lung cancer was diagnosed. He is currently in Bangladesh and planning to send him to neighboring country India (Mumbai) for further treatment at this stage. My only fear is that I am now exploring the medical insurance options for him here and whether an immigration officer will deny his visa based on this cancer or not. Thanks again.
  6. Hi Folks, My dad just got diagnosed with lung caner. I have all the paperwork's ready for him to apply. Is his illness going to make him inadmissible for green card? Any help/suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Regard, Adnan
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