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Everything posted by usaman1999

  1. If you take the instructions literally would one have to file three G-28 forms or just one with all the forms listed on it.
  2. The initial K-1 expired and it was reissued and she traveled here on December 11th. I paid for certified copies of the certificate when I took out the license and the certified copies were supposed to be mailed to me.
  3. My wife and I were married on January 31st and we dropped the completed marriage license at the post office right after the ceremony. The county recorder shows that the license was recorded but they have not sent us the official copies of the license. Her I-94 expires on March 10th. I am uncomfortable with this situation as I will have little or no time to complete for forms and petitions that require an official copy of the recorded license. What is my wife's status with an approved K1, a marriage within the 90 days and the I-94 expiring in all but 13 days?
  4. sorry about that. I input her passport number and bingo the I-94 appears. why don't they offer any guidance about which number to use?
  6. Why is there such a difference between processing time for the I-129F petition at California. (15 months) and Nebraska (6 months)? Also what determines which service center a I-129F petition goes to?
  7. I received my reply this afternoon and I do not understand the procedure or the time lines or whether there are fees, etc. I received the below (translated from Spanish to English) In reference to your visa application, we inform you that the Immigrant Visa Unit can only study your visa reissue application if you can prove that for reasons of force majeure you were unable to use the approved visa. If you think you can verify this, you should send us an email in response to this message explaining the reasons. Otherwise, the petitioner will have to file a new petition on his or her behalf in the United States. Please send a copy of the document you mention having (VISA) as an attachment in response to this email. The file must be in PDF format (Only) to be able to be reviewed and later provide you with additional information. Please note that, due to security restrictions, we do not accept any documents that are sent as a JPG image or located in compressed folders such as zip, or in cloud storage services such as Google Drive /Docs, Dropbox or OneDrive. We hope this information is useful.
  8. The Embassy is not responding to email. What is the best way to contact them?
  9. My fiancé has not been able to complete what she needs to travel and join me here before her Visa expires next month. What is the procedure for extending the original time for travel to the US on the K-1 Visa?
  10. So I’m concerned for no reason. My fiance wouldn’t be as ridiculous as that to say anything like that. I fear that all of you have misinterpreted this post. I’m trying to decide which airport would be more pleasant, take less time, etc. I am closer to Fort Lauderdale but it would be nice to pick her up in Miami and drive her up A1A for the scenic route.
  11. My main concern is which location is less likely to cause a bare bulb interrogation
  12. Which airport would be easier to arrive at from Colombia on a K1 visa, Miami or Fort Lauderdale?
  13. Thank your the information. Just for the sake of information, she arrived with a reservation (in my name) and enough cash for the trip. Her belongings were confiscated and the bandidos stole her cash.
  14. My fiancé's K-1 visa application reads "Approved" on the CEAC website, subject to final review and issuance. She has always wanted to visit Cancun with me and suggested that we do so before she comes to the US, after which she should have to remain in country for a significant time. One concern is what the Mexican immigration would think about a visitor with an approved US visa stamped in her passport. We tried visiting Cancun together in 2021 but my fiancé was denied entry because the hotel reservation was not in her name. She had flown in from Colombia and me from the US. In addition to that, would she face some undue scrutiny or have a hard time entering the US with her K-1 visa if the official sees a trip to Mexico stamped in her passport after issuance of the K-1 and prior to entry to the US?
  15. As of August 16th the embassy in Bogota issued the following notice captioned "APPROVED" What does this mean? The consular officer has approved your application subject to final processing by the consular section that is necessary to issue your visa. When that processing is complete, the status will change to "Issued". However, a final screening step must still be completed prior to issuance that could lead a consular officer to conclude that you are not eligible for a visa. If that occurs, the consular officer will notify you that your application has been denied and your status will change to "Refused". For more information, please visit U.S. Embassy Bogota.
  16. But between my email to the embassy and their reply I figured this out on my own by entering on the website and finding what I needed to print the bar code pages needed to send the documents to the embassy. I hope this information will be helpful to others
  17. I emailed the embassy to ask and I received this reply: Good day, Thank you for contacting the Immigrant Visa Unit. Please note that in the case of civil documents such as birth, marriage, death, or divorce records, it is your duty to send them in original only. Under no circumstances do we accept photocopies or color copies. Please, make a single submission of all required documents following the steps described below: 1. Enter Yatri Colombia 2. Log in using your e-mail address and password. 3. Click on "Login". You will be directed to your personal website. At the top of the screen, you will find the "Continue" button, then click on "The Consular Section instructed me to send more documents". 4. Select the name of the applicants who require additional documents by clicking on the box located on the right side of the screen, in the same row as the name. 5. Explain why you have been asked for additional documents. 6. Click on "Submit". 7. If your request is approved, the following message will appear: "Your request has been approved". Click "OK". 8. Go back to the "Current Status" box and click "Continue". 9. Select Consulate: BOGOTA and click "Continue". 10. A window will appear with your personal data and the selection data of the courier service. On the lower right-hand side of that screen click on the button: "View Courier Service Receipt". 11. Print both pages of the receipt. 12. Go to the DHL office you selected and bring all the requested documents. You will find the exact address at the bottom of the screen. Remember that any error in the registered data could delay the shipment process. Carefully check the contact information and your personal data. If necessary, modify them by clicking on the pencil on the right side of the screen. If you have additional questions regarding the shipping process, please write to Yatri - Contact Us.
  18. I found the link by logging onto the scheduling website we used to schedule the appointment and select the courier. There is a courier tab that has an option that the embassy has requested additional documents. Selected that and then created the bar code labels, one to give the courier service and the other to include with the documents, There is no charge for this.
  19. I have experienced the same problem. My fiancé was given a yellow sheet at the interview that stated she had to send the embassy original copies of my prior divorces. The sheet stated they need to be sent in via DHL pursuant to instructions on the website. Those instructions state something about a Courier-In Authorization Certificate. However online it appears that this applies to documents being sent in before the interview, not after. And there is no link to create the certificate. So I am lost. Should the documents be sent from the US to the embassy in Bogota or from within Colombia to the embassy?
  20. I wondered about that, too. Should I send the documents from the US or send them to my fiance in Colombia so she can send them to the embassy?
  21. My fiancé was given yellow sheet at her interview, advising that she needs to send the embassy original copies of my prior divorces. The paper states to send them via DHL according to instructions on the website. Part of those instructions state: Instructions on how to print a Courier-In Authorization Certificate will be provided when one of these scenarios occurs during appointment scheduling through this website. The Courier-In Authorization Certificate allows an applicant to send documents using the courier, free of charge, to the U.S. Consular Section. I logged onto the site but there isn't any option to create a Courier-In Authorization Certificate. What should I do?
  22. My fiancé attended her K-1 interview in Bogotá yesterday and it lasted only 5 minutes with her being asked only perfunctory questions and handing over the I-134, birth certificates and divorces. Our age difference is 44 years, which was not mentioned during the interview. Unfortunately they rejected the divorce decrees stating that they were not originals. The consular officer gave my fiance a paper and kept her passport. I am waiting to see the paper for the instructions on how to send the originals to the consulate.
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