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Everything posted by DShm

  1. 5/20/2023 n400 submitted 6/15/2023 bio appointment 7/14/2023 test and interview How about yours?
  2. Hi everyone. Here’s my timeline: -5/20 submitted N400 on line (I hold 10yrs GC) -6/15 biometric appointment -7/14 English and civics test and interview (@ Washington DC field office in VA) my process came along pretty smoothly and quickly. I just had my interview and test yesterday. Everything went well except there was one little mistake we had to correct the answer from N400 form I submitted online during the interview, but the officer was happy to fix it and she said that’s pretty common. anyways, after the interview, the officer handed me a N400 test result which she marked on checklist “you passed English and us history and government” and “ a decision cannot be made about your application”. I would have assumed my application was recommended for approval. Maybe her supervisor needed to go over my application? I’m anxious about it but only thing I can do it just to wait for the update and a letter to be mailed. this whole process could get very frustrating but Ill try to be patient! good luck everyone with upcoming tests and interviews!!
  3. Hi, all. I had a test and interview today (7/14/2023) and it went well. We found two little mistakes on N400 form I submitted online throughout the interview and the officer was able to fix it with no problem. However, an office handed to me a form that have a few sections marked “passed test” and “a decision cannot be made yet”. I would have assumed, as I had submitted all the documents we needed and everything went smoothly, my application would be recommended for approval. Has any of you had same experience? I had my text and interview at Washington DC field office in VA. thanks!
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