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Everything posted by meganaherring

  1. My husband and I had our interview yesterday and were missing one file. Went home to upload the file and received an error that I've never seen before on the CEAC website, "webservice unable to scan file". I'm the one that has been handling uploading everything to CEAC, I am so familiar with their error messages, but this is the first time I have ever seen this one. I've tried resizing my .pdf, it's under the 2MB limit. I tried uploading it as a .jpg, same result. I've tried clearing all history/cache/cookies, same result. I've switched browsers, same result. I've changed computers, same result. I've tried posting in non-peak times, same result. I've tried uploading a document already on the CEAC, so logically it should upload because it's been uploaded before, same result. We sent an email to them explaining the situation, I reported an error on their website, and plan to (try) and call when they open to try and resolve the issue. Can someone, anyone, shed light on what the issue could be? We're beyond frustrated and disheartened by this point and this is really the icing on the cake. I'm losing my mind over this, losing what non-gray hair I have left. The children are crying. Someone please please tell me you know what's going on 😭
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