I don't know if this is the right place to post this, if not, then a moderator can please move this to the right section for best answers. Thanks!
I hope you can bear with me and read everything 😃
I'm not a lier, very far away. I've never had anything in my criminal records or in my police register, but I have had problems with depression since years back. Right now I have 2 cases pending, I have not been selected or anything in the lottery yet. But in case I might I would like to ask this.
I have these questions about moral turpitude. Last year police was going to stop me, I completely lost it, because I have been pulled over like 200 times during a very short peiod of time. I resisted the police, and I even tried to kick away one officier from binding my legs. But I never touched her/him. So in this case I have 3 suspicions against me, - Violent resistance, threats against an official which in this case is an police officer and the last violence against an official.
The second case is that I threatened or wrote bad things to 2 journalists, that is also pending, here I am suspected for anlawful threat, the mild degree of it, and some sort of " molestation " also the mild degree because I emailed them.
So these are the 2 cases I have pending.
Remember, I've never done anything before.
No drugs, I dont even smoke, and never have. Have never done any ill-treatments to anyone i.e beatings and such. Not involved in sex trafficking or those kind of stuff either, but I just had this stupid encounter with the police which I now feel bad about ofc.
What happens if I get selected? Should I tell them this during the interview that I have these 2 cases ongoing? Won't I be refused and denied a visa/entrance then? The lottery is once a life time chance to win. Again not a lier, but from what I have heard lots of folks are lying for some minor stuff. I should mention that I actually got released after 3 hours in custody, after I calmed down. I've talked to my lawyer also who says that jail/prision time is not included in the scale here. Because I never touched the police. I was more like annoying and said bad words to them like profianity and such.
The same thing goes on for the journalists case. These stuff hapened during the last 2 years, before that I have always been clean. Since the incidents with the police, it has passed 14 months now.
My questions are now. Should I tell them this on the interview if I get selected, and what will happen you think?
And finally, if I don't, can they see that I have these cases pending? I live in Sweden, born and raised here. I say this because maybe they can check pending things through some sort of cooperation. Because right now my police clearance is clean, I have never been prosecuted and sentenced before.