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About Kristie76

  • Birthday January 13

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Wichita KS
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  1. In our case we only received an email. Gina
  2. You should be fine! Best regards! Gina
  3. Once we received our approval from NVC, the DS160 was submitted. (We have an attorney) . Our approval came in June 10 2022, the DS160 was submitted June 22, 2022. The consulate sent us acknowledgement of receipt of the case August 22,2022. I hope this help. Best Regards, Gina
  4. You only need 1. plane tickets and boarding passes and 2. pictures of your visit (maybe 5)
  5. You will still be recognized as married at the Embassy, even if it wasn't legal per se. You are not eligible for the K1 fiance. Get married and file as spouse. You can get denied even with a text message saying "my wife" or a picture such as this showing wedding attire. It does NOT matter if you signed a legal document. The officers can and will deny you over these things! Wedding rings...messages...ceremonies...etc all will get you denied. Don't waste your time and risk a denial, because it will come back to haunt you later! Best Regards, Gina
  6. Certified copies are considered original. I had to get my certified copies of my past divorces for my fiances interview. You need them sent to you! I flew out to take them to him, because sent over email is NOT THE certified copy. You need the actual document that was stamped certified, from their hand.
  7. I am the petitioner for my spouse (previously K1 Fiance). I am 16 years older, a female, I have been married a couple times before AND previously sponsored one of my ex husbands. He was approved with no issues in Nairobi. The job of the officer is to determine if the relationship is real. Age isn't a reason to deny.
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