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Posts posted by CS & CK

  1. On 5/31/2023 at 9:54 AM, Jacq1227 said:

    Congrats to everyone who have completed the interview. ☺️


    Not sure if anyone is on the same boat with me. I got DQ'd last 20-Apr but have not receive any interview schedule yet. I was hoping I will get June schedule but it looks like that is not possible anymore. With the upcoming FIFA World Women's cup, it seems that it will be a long wait for me

    We're in the same boat. DQ'd the same day and still haven't heard anything from the consulate. My wife (petitioner) has called the consulate a couple of times and they haven't been particularly helpful.

  2. Thanks @Sammy.NZ. I had tried all of the above 😰


    We've called and emailed the consulate but their advice was fairly generic "here's how you get a police certificate" (which we had done), and "we've sent it to NVC - don't contact us". Very helpful. We submitted that correspondence with the "police certificate" pack, but not joy.


    My wife (USC) got in touch with her Senator and that seems to have helped. We received notice we're documentarily qualified this morning! Progress.

  3. 3 hours ago, visacats said:

    I saved the e-mail confirmation from NZ police vetting service (which states they have sent the result to the Auckland consulate) as a PDF and uploaded that as the evidence for NZ police certificate. I also added a specific note to the document describing the process as I understood it: "I have followed the process to obtain NZ Police records for the purposes of a US Visa as described here: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/NewZealand.html

    I submitted the section 14 document to the NZ Police Vetting Service, and they responded with this attached document stating that they have forwarded the results to the US Consulate in Auckland.

    Thanks @visacats,  this is exactly what I did the first time I submitted documents. Including the comment about following the process, and a link to the instructions. Interesting your comment said "Not required" because I also tried submitting "Not available" to only be rejected again.



    3 hours ago, visacats said:

    I guess another option is to get your petitioner to go to their congress/senate representative, I've never had to try this so I have no idea if it's worth doing but maybe this could help - https://www.boundless.com/blog/how-to-contact-your-representative-to-speed-up-your-visa-processing-time/ 

    My wife has contacted her Senator for help. We'll see how that goes otherwise looks like we might need to get a lawyer involved.



    3 hours ago, visacats said:

    For what it's worth, this only got me so far as I had my interview in London today and it turns out the NZ police info never made it from Auckland to London... so now I have to wait until that gets chased down before I can get approved in any case.

    Thats gutting, sorry. Hope it all gets resolved soon!



  4. I am struggling to get my New Zealand Police certificate accepted by the NVC. The New Zealand Police do not send copies to individuals, but directly to the consulate.


    I have tried submitting the confirmation from the Police that they have processed the request, and the confirmation from the consulate they have forwarded the certificate to the NVC but they both were rejected. Most recently said "Document not available" with a comment from this forum what has worked for someone else, still rejected.


    I have called and emailed the consulate, but they just tell me they've sent it to the NVC. I have submitted a public inquiry, but no response in over 2 weeks.


    I've tried all the different options and advice in this forum and I can't just get past this point. I'm stuck.


    Any help of advice of who to contact would be greatly appreciated. A 2 week feedback loop after trying different things is infuriating.

  5. Hi all,


    My case is currently at the NVC, trying to get DQ'd. We have filed an I-864 without a co-sponsor, but since doing so my wife's had been made redundant. We are looking at submitting a new I-864 with a co-sponsor, her sister.


    We have my wife's sisters latest tax transcript, and she files jointly with her husband. I have a few questions which I haven't been able to find the answer to elsewhere in this forum.

    - The joint sponsor's income is from her own business. Is there any additional documentation that would need to be supplied with the I-864?

    - The joint sponsor files her taxes jointly with her husband. Does he need to fill in a I-864A, even though she earns enough alone?


    My wife's original I-864 has been approved in CEAC already, we're just trying to get my police certificate approved to be DQ'd. If we submit a new I-864 after being DQ'd do we go to the back of the queue? What happens if the case has already been passed on to the consulate? I've seen elsewhere in this forum people recommending taking multiple I-864's to the interview in case the first scenario is denied. Do I just take along a different form that submitted? That sounds sketchy.


    Apologies for all the questions. I've really tried to find the answers myself, but this is an overwhelming process.

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