agree with Qui, we fully understand and even said it's understandable to be bitter or wary of the process but they shouldn't say it'll be 19months or two yrs as *fact*. They can say current times and warn it could change, I always try to say the times could be better or worse but chances are good that they'll improve (outside of a massive change, like COVID was). I don't think it's fair to give negative timelines or say wait times won't improve because that's how it was for them. People are trying to make the best decision for them and if they're told K1 is slower or same as spousal when there's a decent chance K1 will soon be faster again, they may regret their choice.
My biggest priority was fastest time to close gap, I would be so very upset if I applied for spousal and saw K1 be months faster. Spousal can also vary from country to country, some have long waitlists which can make it 2-3yrs+ but no one says this when comparing k1 to cr1. No one says there's a chance K1 may be faster than CR1 for new filers.
Saying 'hey timeline is x but it may improve or it may be like mine where it extended by 8months' is fair. You can warn people it may not be as quick as they expect etc without telling them 'you'll be waiting 2yrs for a visa', because that is likely false. The timeline increase happened because of COVID and not to jinx it, but that shouldn't happen again so the likelihood of timelines dramatically increasing like it did for 2020-2022 filers is super unlikely so acting like it will happen because it did once, is not fair to new filers. People waiting 19months has never been a common timeline for k1. It is a negative bias and not fact.
It's in the same way as positive as I am about improvements, I wouldn't say wait time is 12/13 months just because some get theirs that early because it's not accurate as most get theirs later (14-16)