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Everything posted by Rasberry.B

  1. She will get here in another month. Do you mean I-485? Is it better to check the box or go to SS office once she arrives?
  2. what form(s)? is it all in one step or different steps?
  3. Can someone kindly tell me the initial steps after the Fiance enters and we legally marry.... Thanks in Advance
  4. Do you mean they'll send my documents to the address I have on my DS-160 Application?
  5. Can someone explain to me is Document Delivery Location and what happens after the interview?
  6. I was wondering what documents I should take to interview with me beside the obvious ones like passport, photos, etc. Thanks in advance for any input.
  7. @BreadGiver Hi!! I was wondering how your wife's medical went? My fiance has her in a few weeks, and I am wondering what did your wife do regarding immunization papers given Turkey does not accept Iranian Immunization papers (records, booklet/or whatever it is called lol)? Also, how long before the interview did she do her medical? thanks in advance!
  8. Should I go ahead and file DS-160 and book an appt or wait for the embassy to get back to us?
  9. Should I go ahead and file DS-160 and book an appt or just wait for the embassy to respond to my email?
  10. My I-129 Petition expired on May 11 (two days ago) what should I do?? please help... I have not filed DS-160 nor booked an appt with Embassy. what are my options at this point?
  11. So using ceac website and my case number shows the following: "Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at: http://nvc.state.gov/interview" I have not filled any visa application yet and I am a little confused about the process here. I would really appreciate some help. What should I do? How long can I extend the process if I need to buy some time? Thanks for your help in advance...
  12. Thank you for the response. So we don't need any of those financial support stuff etc?? we go right for interview and that's it?
  13. So I received an Email from NVC saying "Dear Sir/Madam: The correspondence attached to this email relates to the I-129F visa petition listed in the subject line. Please read the information in the attachment carefully and follow the instructions. Regards, National Visa Center Written Correspondence Team" There is an attached file with my Case# but no Invoice ID anywhere to be found. The document says "K1-FTP". I tried to create an account using the case number and beneficiary's date of birth instead of invoice ID as some online websites were saying but did not work. so What is this email and am I supposed to do something or just wait for their next email?
  14. I did not include passport stamps in my package, but I do have tickets with receipts, a letter from the hotel we stayed with both our names, and all the boarding passes in one page together. Should I call them or just wait and see if they ask for anything? Maybe they ask for those for NVC?? @Crazy Cat @SalishSea
  15. I appreciate any feedback. I will absolutely not fake anything when it comes to legal stuff; that's just playing with fire. I was merely saying it is possible. We have so many pictures, but I just forgot to print and send it. I just hope they don't give us a hard time for not sending them since they can easily be added to documents we sent to NVC and Embassy. I have testimonies, hotel letter with both names on it, etc and hoping that would be sufficient for now.
  16. I agree with @Crazy Cat. You can easily Photoshop a picture but once you have a ticket and the boarding pass associated with it I think you are set. Of course I will submit some pictures as evidence late on for NVC and Interview, but fingers cross hopefully they are not going to delay our case for picture at this early stage. Thanks for the Feedback BTW!
  17. Hey everyone, So I sent my dox to USCIS just a few days ago but forgot to include pictures of us just to show we were together; however, I have included airline tickets and boarding passes, a letter from the hotel we spent time together for 25 days, and finally letters from her family and mine supporting our claim that our relationship is genuine and we have met in person. Would this be a problem at this stage? Should I take any action at this time?
  18. Good Morning and thanks in advance. for personal statements and things like letters of intent, does the beneficiary need to sign and mail the original copy to me or scans of the signed letter is sufficient? Also, can I get the digital copy of the beneficiary's photo then print and send it or she needs to print, certify, and send it to me?
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