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Everything posted by BriannJacke

  1. You are right and we are keeping our faith that good news is hopefully coming soon. Everyday is one day closer
  2. Still no 47000πŸ˜”. 421 and counting haha. hopefully tomorrow we get some good news. Thanks Bh_sarah for the update πŸ‘
  3. it would be nice if we both get our good news by friday. fingers crossed for all of us
  4. hahaha what a awesome end of a week that woud be to finally get the good news hahaha. but thanks again for taking the time to update us everyday. I know my fiancee and i really do appreciate it. and i know you'll be getting the good news soon too
  5. Yeah our case is almost in the middle of 47000 and 47500. we are 47219. haha but i will keep my fingers and toes crossed that we both get some good news soon
  6. I haven't seen any movement for the 47000 in the past couple of days. I'm at 420 days now. Thanks for the update Sarah. Hopefully soon we both get some good news
  7. Some progress is better than no progress. Thank you for keeping us updated
  8. You are right and the only thing we can do is wait and keep faith that the good news is coming soon.
  9. Yeah I'm kind of lost at trying to figure out what their reasoning is behind the order of the cases they are processing. It almost seems like there really isn't a rhyme or reason to it. hopefully they can get more cases done faster and you and I both get our Noa2 soon
  10. Yeah I've never been married or divorced, so it is strange to me also that they are skipping people. But who knows why they do it. I wish I could understand it also. I'm in the 47000 range, at 47219
  11. Congratulations Mychal 🎊 πŸ‘πŸ». I'm February 2nd so hopefully soon we get the good news also. Congratulations again πŸ‘πŸ» 🎊🎊🎊🎊
  12. Thank you for all your hard work on keeping us informed and up to date on everything. I know we all really do appreciate it very much
  13. Ok and thank you for the response, i wasnt sure if it was a dumb question or not. i have seen someone on YT talking about it last night and wasnt sure if it was correct.
  14. hi i have a question, I filed our I129F and got a recieved date of or NOA1 of Febuary 2nd 2022 our file range is 47219, my question is are they working on this date range or when could i expect to hear something?
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