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Everything posted by BriannJacke

  1. Hi Sarah, Im sorry i am late to reply i have been super busy with work lately and i don't know have i didn't see it. But my Fiancee and I are super happy for you and wanted to say congratulations on getting your approval finally. I know you had been waiting a long time and you were getting stressed about it. But the both my fiancee and i want to say CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS
  2. I understand what you mean. sometimes it does feel like the finish line is a million miles away, but every day is one step closer to the good news. And i know you'll be getting it soon. Honestly i was feeling that same way also, then one morning without even expecting it, the approval came. I know that is how it will be for you also, here soon you are going to check the status and it will have that big '' Case Approved" on it. I'll say my prayers tonight and say one for your approval to come soon.
  3. It might not have came today or this week, but I know your approval is coming soon Sarah. Haha you are right about uscis making a person wish Monday would already come again. But just keep faith and soon you'll be getting the good news. Hopefully you and your fiancé can have a good weekend and think positive and have time together on a video call or just find a way to enjoy the weekend together and Monday will be here again before you know it.
  4. I know and have faith that you will be getting your approval soon Sarah. i know it sucks waiting and having anxiety because i was the same way haha. But i know your approval is coming super super soon
  5. i think it's your week finally. 😉
  6. Another good day for everyone and congratulations to everyone who got their approval today. And i know your approval is coming next super soon. We are still here cheering for your approval Bh_sarah 🥳
  7. Haha you are absolutely correct! I do believe that if 2 people are willing to go through so much endure so many heartaches and trails just to be together, then that is the definition of true love. and no one can ever question how real the relationship is. And i am lucky to have my fiancée who always makes sure that i try and stay positive because there were times i never thought it would actually happen. But one night i was just laying down thinking about everything, and i knew when i asked myself if all of it was worth it and i said hell yes. Because i can't imagine life without her and my step daughter I don't want to be with anyone else. So i told her no matter what that we will be together even if I have to give up everything here and move to Colombia haha And like you said, i would do everything all over again and never change anything.
  8. Yeah you 2 got this. The wait to be together again really is the worst part of this whole thing. It sounds a lot like my Fiancée and i too. we started talking November 2018. I had planned to go to colombia in 2019 but i wasn't able to get time off of work, and then covid hit and shut everything down so we finally got to see each other in December 2021. it also took us a couple years to finally get to see each other hahaha. The anxiety is real though, i know the waiting and being unsure of what was going to happen really started to take a toll on us both. she was always the one who kept me focused and motivated. But like you said, if we can wait 700 or more days to finaly get to see each other, than this 400 or so days might seem like a eternity but i know you got this and i know you will be getting the good news super soon and then you and your fiancé will be togther again.
  9. haha i completely understand. it really does help to see the progress and that is why it is so helpful to see the progress and know that there really was light at the end of the tunnel. the process definitely is frustrating. And my fiancée always tells me that everything is in God's hands and to just have faith. And you are also right about us needing to support each other during this whole process. because i know that finding this post definitely did help her and i. But i will definitely still be coming here every day and cheering for you and your approval.
  10. Now her and I are cheering for your approval next 🥳
  11. You really are the best at keeping us informed. i spoke with my fiancee after i saw the approval this morniing and she wanted me to tell you that she is also very grateful for the hard work that you do and that we both know you will also get your approval soon. she said that we'll both be saying a prayer for you and everyone to get their approvals soon
  12. I know that your approval is coming super soon Bh_sarah
  13. Congratulations on your approval 🥳
  14. All I can say is thank you so much Bh_sarah and Vivek Patel for always being there and keeping us updated on the processing. It really did help a lot to be able to see the continued progress
  15. I was starting to feel that same way honestly. but i was talking to my fiancee last night and told me to just put everything in God's hands and stay positive. it was a complete surprise. But i know and have faith that your approval is coming soon. I know my fiancee and i will say a prayer for you to get approved soon
  16. Thank you Bh_sarah. i hadn't checked today until i saw Bikenm post so i thought that i go check and thank god my approval was finally there. I know god is bringing your approval soon also. I'll pray that you get yours today finally too
  17. OMG! Thank you Bikenm for posting. i hadn't checked my case status yet today but after i got notification of your post i went and checked my status and it is finally approved
  18. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just checked and i recieved my approval also
  19. Yeah it kinda sucks that there hasn't been anything from the 47000 range for a few days now. But i congratulate everyone who received the good news today with their approvals 🎊
  20. Thank you Vivek Patel and Bh_sarah for the update as always. We really appreciate your hard work in keeping us informed. I know how your feeling Bh_sarah. Im still hoping to hear some good news any day also. Hopefully they process some cases in the 47000 range tomorrow and i can finally have some good news to tell my Fiancee. But i know the great news is coming to both of us really soon
  21. I've been keeping my fingers crossed all weekend hoping to finally get some good news tomorrow. 424 days and counting hahaha
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