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  1. Hi i have a question, i made mistake on my form my 2nd physical address i've put my wife home address where she rents a room when i got here in the US, for just in case of emergency so they can easily contact my wife incase of emergency. I dont have any families here in US. When I applied my ESTA i used that address aswell and i didnt book any hotel yet because i dont know what's gonna happened in future. but when i got here I didn't stay in that address, i stayed in a hotel. Because the house where my wife used to live the land lady said no visitors allowed. If i let the officer know are they gonna deny me or accuse me of lying? Thank you.
  2. hi there! No i didnt bring anything with me. Just clothes from our holiday. Its in my mind that i wont be staying here for long cause i had a work back home. Just the day of my departure my wife convincing me not to leave again. Me and my wife we planned on traveling to north america after europe. We travelled alot then covid pops ups everything went to hold.
  3. This is my first time ever to visit US sir, my wife she visited me in spain many times. So i told her before we plan on traveling to mexico that i will be having my flight back here in US so she would be happy. The he CBP check all my belongings when i got here which is a bit scary cause we traveled a lot in europe and i didnt get any treatment like that before. I told cbp that i have work and all my family lives in EU. Our atty said there's nothing wrong with our case but i dont know if thats true or not. Thank you for your kind reply sir.
  4. Hi i just want to ask some question, because me and my wife we've been married 1 year and 5months now with a 6 months old baby. And we have our GC interview next week, im a bit worried because i was on ESTA visa and they might grill me on the interview. Reason our situation change is after our holiday in cancun i have a flight bsck to Spain here in US. So i could spend more time with with her ( me and my wife we love to travel alot ) i was about to leave US cause i had a work back home on the day of my departure my wife keeps urging and convincing me not to go again, so i agreed to her because i lover her so much. Our atty gave us prep and she said there is nothing wrong with our case and they would've ask us more questions if we dont have baby till today. Should i be worried? And chance of being denied? Please help i cant sleep. My wife and my son needs me. Thank you.
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