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Everything posted by Ramirez65

  1. I hope you hear soon! Every country is different. We all need to get past this once and for all.
  2. Hahaha remember when we were both saying how if we could just get past USCIS we'd be able to relax? Yeah....that didn't happen. I'm as full of anxiety as ever. This has been a very rough lesson in patience, something I've never had.
  3. Not yet. We were DQ'd on 3/23 and 3/30 (stepson and husband) and we're still waiting for an interview date (Colombia).
  4. So happy for you! That's what we're waiting on now.....I'm seeing others get their interview letters for Colombia that were DQ'd after us so I'm a little annoyed - I thought NVC schedules in the order of DQ date (or so they say).
  5. How do you request an embassy transfer? Doesn’t NVC just do that automatically? Oh never mind I get it, you requested a transfer to another embassy.
  6. See….that’s exactly what I’ve been hearing 🤔
  7. Congratulations!! What time did you get the email? I ask because everyone I’ve talked to that got their interview letters got the email in the middle of the night. When is your interview?
  8. Trust me brother, once I get hired at the Department of State, heads will roll!! 😂
  9. You forget who the neurotic twin is in this family....it's supposed to happen NOW 😝
  10. Only 5??? Come on now, tell us the truth 😂 I’m not gonna lie….I was fully expecting my OCD to disappear once I got past USCIS….like a miracle I would be patient and chill as soon as that nightmare ended but alas here I am stressing over an interview letter that hasn’t arrived yet. I’m sure you can imagine all the techy hacks I’m running in order to “crack the code” of how NVC operates. I think I need to see if they’re hiring 🤣🤣
  11. Question for those who have been DQ'd - have you received your interview date yet? For those who have, was your CEAC account updated or did you just receive an email with your Interview Letter?
  12. My husband’s case just got DQ’d!! Please update the chart for Ramirez65 (2). Thank you!!
  13. Congrats! So did we…my stepson’s case did, still waiting for my husband’s case. Ramirez65 (1) was DQ’d today….woo hoo!!!
  14. The first time my husband and I met in person, he gave me the nickname complicated.com - I did not deny. 😂
  15. There goes my twin with his one track mind making jokes while I sit here and wallow in my anxiety....why did you get all the fun traits??
  16. Don't forget DQ has cake too 😂 Mine say "ACCEPTED" also so I think that just means your documents were under the size limit and legible. You should get an email whenever you get DQ'd and then your inbox on your account will state that you're DQ'd....that's when it's time for soft serve 🤣
  17. I just read on another forum about someone who got the same message you did (they were using all assets as proof of support) but they also got DQ'd without submitting anything else. Basically, that message was just a warning says that it'll be up to the officer at your interview whether or not to accept your financial documents. That's what they did and they got approved at the interview. Maybe you didn't get DQ'd right away because of the other document that was missing.
  18. I was referring to Hacking Immigration so you're familiar with them. I don't have a particular topic video but when they have their live call-in shows, you could get yourself into the waiting room and ask Jim Hacking about this. I'm sure you've nailed it though - they aren't smart enough to figure out what you're submitting and put it all together so I bet a cover letter would resolve this.
  19. Good morning! Sorry that you got the dreaded RFE. Question - did you not originally submit the marriage termination document? Regarding the Affidavit of Support - were you well above the poverty guidelines? I follow an immigration attorney on YouTube who does live call-in shows for people to get answers to their immigration problems - if you're interested I'll send you the link. A lot of people call in with Affidavit of Support issues and he always says that if you're not well above the poverty guidelines, you should get a co-sponsor. That's just how NVC is - even though they have guidelines, they sometimes ask for more. Same thing with the documents - they give you a list of what you need to submit but then they send an RFE for something that wasn't even on the list. It's frustrating but you'll get there.
  20. Sending you good luck vibes! I just submitted my husband’s case 2 days ago (and my stepson’s case on the 9th). I’m on another topic page for NVC March filers and a lot of people are getting DQ’d within 14 days. We’re almost there!! Have a great weekend and let us know when you get DQ’d.
  21. I would resubmit the petitioner’s birth certificate (make sure it’s under the size limit, legible and translated). Did they approve your resubmitted birth certificate of the beneficiary?
  22. I just submitted my husband's case to NVC. Can you please add Ramirez65 (2) to the list as submitted on 3/16? Thank you - I appreciate it!!
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