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  1. I did file I90. Filed it online and it was pending for a while until removal of conditions was filed and then it was soon denied.
  2. Was given 10 year GC despite being married less than 2 years at the time,filed i90 online which was denied when filed I751, recently filed n400. Still have the 10 year green card, is it ok to take that to get Temporary instruction permit(learners)? Should I also bring n400 receipt and I751 receipt? Should I just present thr green card or green card with the receipts? Thanks
  3. Does the three year period start after getting the green card or it just go back 3 years for today's date? (If filing today). Like if I got conditional PR 9/12/21, does my address and other info go back to 09/12/21 or 11/15/21? Thankss
  4. 1. Green card(front and back) (10 year wrong issued I90 was filed online) 2.marriage certificate 3. Irs transcript 2021,2022,2023 4.wills,POA, medical Poa for spouse and I. 5.statements going back 3 years for joint bank account. 6.Bills going back 3 years with both our names. 7.plane tickets, boarding passes for trip taken after submitting the I751(pending) 8. IRA/401k accounts showing each other's as beneficiary. 9.house deed showing joint ownership. 10. Life insurance policy provided by employer showing spouse as beneficiary. 11.DL/State ID for both showing same address. Missing anything? Should I attach a cover letter mentioning pending I751 to make them aware ? Do people just usually get a combo interview or its upto upto IOs discretion? Thanks.
  5. So it's ok if I file by myself right now and if I decide that I'd prefer to have an attorney come with,just file the G28 online? Making sure I understand correctly.
  6. Have DIY'ed since k1 and am mostly done with the online n400 application, (ready to submit) soon. Came across some posters on vj who had a bad interview experience and the comments said that they should have taken an attorney with to make sure that their rights were protected and correct procedures were followed. That's what made me think if an attorney is needed at n400 interview level.
  7. Thanks. Does it need to be submitted at the time of submitting the n400 application or we can decide closer to thr interview and bring that form G28. have DIY'd so far so not sure. Any personal experiences from people who used an attorney or had them attend the interview? Thanks for the help guys.
  8. Planning to file n400 soon. ( filing by myself). Is it a good idea to hire an attorney to just attend n400 interview. Can I still hire one to attend one if I am not using the services of one to submit the application and haven't mentioned the name of an attorney as a representative? Wasn't sure if some paperwork is needed to be filled out if I wanted to bring an attorney along to the n400. Was given the 10 year green card despite being married for less than 2 years at that time so I filed I90 to fix it. Then filed I751 to remove the conditions. (I90 was denied soon after filing I751). Thanks
  9. Thanks. In the where have you lived section, how do I mention that I have lived in the same house since I have been here, there is no way to say such and such Date to PRESENT. if I put today's date wouldn't it imply,I won't be living here tomorrow? Confused
  10. Based on 3 year rule, the instructions say to provide information going 5 year? Do I fill it out upto 3 years or 5 years? 2.Have been taking community college classes while working, how to list them for the same time period? Just mention it in the space for additional information?
  11. Filed 1751 about 16 months ago. Ready to apply for n400. Do we resent all proof of comingling, CO habitation and shared experiences (bank statements, bills,trips etc.) Or do we just sent the one's that happened since we sent our Removal of conditions pack.Also if anyone has a good checklist of evidence to send with n400, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks
  12. Just curious if an applicant is filling n400 now need to take 2008 or 2020 version of civics test? Is there a link to the correct one? Thanks.
  13. I went to fill out the questionnaire and it asked to "return with documentation if not a citizen". So I called and checked with the court, they just asked my juror ID and said they'd take me off the list since I'm not eligible. And I didn't need to fill out the questionnaire.
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