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About marquiess

  • Birthday 07/26/1967

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    D.I.Y. Motorcycling, Sightseeing, Family, Gardening, Internet, Computer Science

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-3 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    There was a time in 2000 that caused me to sign-up for a pen-pal at a site called exactly that, 'The Pen-Pal Network'. I wasn't expecting to get any replies because those things "just don't work"!!
    After a day or so I recieved several replies from across the world and one in particular caught my eye. It was an e-mail from Montana, USA and it was from a woman who had 2 children and was married. I didn't care about that because after all, this was just a site that involved writing to people as friends.
    The time passed and Sandy and I wrote almost everyday on a friendly basis just asking about the countries we lived in, cultures and how life was lived in our seperate worlds. As the stories unfolded about our lives, I found out that Sandy was getting divorced and I hadn't been in a relationship for years due to work commitment and such. After that we just grew closer and closer until we couldn't wait any longer to meet each other.
    March came and went and we decided we would meet in April and after a brisk search of the internet for cheap fares to America, I was booked to fly to Denver, Colorado, on the 27th April. The excitement was upon us rapidly as I packed for the trip of a lifetime to the woman I had fallen in love with over the internet

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