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  1. Monthly processing times can be found on the various datasheets available in pinned posts on this forum and elsewhere on the internet. Per admin below post, I'm not allowed to share any further details about any other sources, even if they are just informational and contain no advertising intent.
  2. FWIW, I plan on sending an update to the Rep Katherine Clark's immi assistant who was of zero help, and was stonewalling me, detailing how easy it was for Sen Ed Markey's office to send out an email inquiry to USCIS, and how effective and hugely helpful that simple inquiry turned out to be for me. So, she can open her eyes, expand her horizons and get welcoming for any future inquiry requests.
  3. In my case, Senator inquiries have had a direct and immediate impact on USCIS to pick up and act on my case both post-NOA1 and pre-RFE, and post-RFE. Otherwise, I can almost guarantee that my case might still have been languishing in some cold, dark corner waiting to be opened/touched and even after RFER, it might not have been looked at until close to the cursory 60-day post-RFE published timeframe. Specifically, Senator Ed Markey whose office has been very welcoming, friendly and very responsive (He has my vote, my money and my network forever). My rep Katherine Clark's immi assistant simply refused to even send an inquiry saying she has tons of immigration experience and that it never works out until the USCIS published times are way past. My other Senator Elizabeth Warren initially refused with a similar canned response, and just now sent a response asking me for a physically signed auth form so they can send in an inquiry (6 weeks after my request to them), but thankfully I don't need them anymore.
  4. NOA1: 21Oct22 RFE: 21Nov23 RFER: 27Nov23 NOA2: 12Dec23 RFE after the first Senator inquiry on Nov 8th, finally, out of the RFE jail, after a 2nd post-RFE follow up inquiry sent in by the Senator! we just got approved today! NOA2 in the mail... thanks for all the support, folks! Guess our next step is to wait for a couple of weeks and submit an inquiry to NVC for the case number?
  5. Finally got an RFE today for a simple form checkbox error (due to my confusion/error in interpreting the order of questions in the form) in the mail today, which I filled in on the same form and returned back already. It was dated 11/13, but just got it in the mail today. No updates online, even now. Hope they pick it right back up from where they left off once they receive my updated RFE form, and hope this is just a small hit of a couple of weeks of delay (can someone who got an RFE comment on this, pls?). Have to credit this to the Senator's inquiry, since the RFE date was 11/13, about a week after the Senator's office got an acknowledgement from the USCIS.
  6. Please find enclosed my filled in and signed form, further to the USCIS follow up request form that I submitted online on your site. Some additional details: I have applied for I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiance(e), more than a year ago, case received by USCIS on 21Oct2022. USCIS confirmed the receipt vide NOA1 (case # WAC******) on 26Oct2022. But, even after more than a year, they have not yet even touched my case. I can see from the USCIS data that they have ignored my case and have already moved on to other cases that were filed as late as in November, December and January, months after I filed, which I perceive as being an unfair delay. I'm herewith enclosing detailed data that shows USCIS' random processing pattern and how USCIS is processing disproportionately more cases filed much later in November, December and January, while leaving out my case filed in October untouched. Source: screenshot and additional details further below. This random processing pattern, with no visibility about the anticipated issue date, and no transparency about the current status and/or about the process used to shortlist to process applications that were filed months later, while ignoring/not even opening some like mine, coupled with the inordinate delay in what should have been a relatively simple Fiancee Visa application that used to take just 3-4 months (but now is already more than 1 year old and no updates yet) is very confusing, disappointing and frustrating. It's also very frustrating to my Fiancee's family who are in a socially awkward limbo about their daughter's life/marriage status; and also highly aggravating to my Fiancee who has been waiting for more than a year with her entire life on hold. She cannot take up any steady employment or get into long term leases, or other social/work commitments, due to the uncertainty around when her visa will be available. Wondering if you might be able to intervene and inquire with the USCIS about my case and see if I can provide any more details to USCIS/clarify anything related to my case to get my case at least picked up and looked at, and get it processed in a fair and timely manner. Please let me know if a physical/virtual meeting with you and/or you office staff might help explain my situation better. Various other Senators from many other districts have been highly successful at at least sending out a casual status inquiry (not an expedite request) to USCIS which has worked wonders in getting the corresponding cases to start getting looked at. Thanks so much in anticipation of your kind willingness to help me out with this! Below is a statistical summary of the I-129F (K-1, Fiancee petition) cases that are currently being processed by USCIS. You can notice the bizarre approach where they have already processed as many as 20% of cases filed in January 2023, and more than 50% of cases filed in November and December 2022, while they have left behind almost 20% of cases (more than 600 cases) filed in October 2022, for no apparent rhyme or reason, or predictable/logical priority/processing pattern. <<<Added screenshots of monthly processing stats here>>>
  7. They already processed more than 50% of November and December cases and more than 30% of Jan2023 cases, while a significant number of September and October (and even earlier months) are left behind untouched and skipped. About 93% of all October were processed, and the other 7% were left untouched. While everyone from later months whose case got picked up sooner would certainly be happy (and I'm happy for them too), those 'left behind' are left clueless about what the logic is in them getting left behind. That's where I feel a complete lack of logic, visibility and accountability. I find it very difficult to call the blackbox USCIS processing patterns 'fair'. While they have sort of improved the overall number of cases being processed, they do appear to be more concerned about the 'optics' of creating an appearance and the 'word' that they might be processing faster than they really are.
  8. They just skipped over hundreds of cases with NOA1 around end of October and are now off to processing a majority of Jan/feb cases. Zero logic, zero efficiency, zero visibility/transparency and zero accountability are the norm with USCIS They want us to believe in file and forget!
  9. You mean an inquiry to the USCIS? What's a 'deleted' inquiry?
  10. 21Oct 2022 NOA1 here.. Any more October 2022 filers still waiting here? My Congresswoman Katherine Clark and Senator Warren refused to even move a finger. My other Senator Ed Markey sent out an inquiry to USCIS about 3 weeks ago, received a response back from USCIS saying they moved my case to an 'Adjucation Unit' about a couple of weeks ago, but nothing happened yet. Fingers crossed.
  11. Based on the below reco from VJ, I'm wondering if I should consider calling USCIS if nothing happens within a week. Any opinions on whether it is too soon to call? "Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between October 3, 2023 and October 13, 2023*. If this date range has passed or your application is past due per USCIS processing times then you should consider calling the USCIS to inquire on your petition"
  12. Yeah, thx.. that's what my VisaJourney estimate says too! My NOA1 was 10/26/22. Very happy for you and everyone else from Nov/Dec who already got their NOA2. But, gotta admit this last stage is especially frustrating when USCIS seems to be processing applications in some opaque/random order with no predictability/visibility/pattern.
  13. Seems like they have stalled processing October NOA1s and are leapfrogging to December (and Nov) already!
  14. Wonder if anyone is stll following this thread? If not, this seems like a good thread to resume/restart, given it's context. The last post that I can see on this is from 2019!
  15. Thx. We have something similar in mind as well for the wedding - traditional South Indian style (stock photo samples below). Our regular puja photos included in tje K1 application are nowhere cllose to these, don’t have us wearing any garlands, etc that are typically worn at a wedding, etc and hopefully ithe contrast/differences are obvious to the CO, despite the presence of a havan fire pit in 2 of the dozens of photos submitted.
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