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Everything posted by jujubemom

  1. Hi, my husband contacted the congressman who represents the area where we live. I think if you don't live in that area, the congressman will not take the case... You can find the congressman who is in charge of your residence area here: https://www.house.gov/representatives#:~:text=Also referred to as a,population of the 50 states. That's very good news! Thank you for the prompt reply!
  2. They kept my passport, otherwise the status cannot be "issued" if they don't have my passport. Your status should be changed to issued soon since our interview dates are close. Now my guess is that my clearance comes on Sep 9 and yours Sep 15, so give it another week. Maybe try to contact them to remind them the case.
  3. The status turned to ISSUED this morning (Oct. 05)! My guess of these dates are: on Sept.9 or Sept.21 the final clearance came, but my case was not attended promptly. My husband contacted the congressman and their office sent an inquiry on Sept. 30th, that might helped. Good luck to all of you!
  4. I am keeping track of my update dates: Interview : 7.15 DS5535 & resume sent : 7.18 Update (refused) : 8.19 Update (refused) : 8.03 (reply to my email to acknowledge receipt of DS5535) Update (refused) : 8.18 Update (refused) : 9.09 Update (refused) : 9.21 Update (refused) : 10.03 Update (refused) : 10.04 (my husband sent an inquiry email last night, not sure if it was due to the email. Does anyone have a similar pattern for the update? I was really excited when I saw the 8.18 one, but now I am merely confused about why they are updating my case so frequently but nothing really happens.
  5. Hi, I was put on administrative processing on July 15th and still no reply. My case was updated on Aug. 18th, Sep. 09th, and Sep. 21st, but nothing happened. I realized that my police certificate will expire soon, should I apply for a new one?
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