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Everything posted by eurolawr

  1. Thank you for your reply. I will post the progress of this application. BTW I totally goofed an entry on the i 134 and I think I need to re-file it. For some reason I added the beneficiary's name as the "Supporter". How I did this- who knows, but I will refile it today because I don't think it can be corrected on the original application.
  2. Hello All I know this is a regular question, but how long is the current processing time for I-134As? An recent intel? The last post about it was in September and replied it took the poster one month. BTW I applied for the same mother daughter beneficiaries in June 2022 and it tool 2 days. They decided ot stay in Europe for various reasons, so I applied yesterday for them- again. I do not think this will be an issue (I hope) that they were approved but did not come....any thoughts?
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