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    bay city
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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Local Office
    Detroit MI
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  1. Oh yeah.... so sick. Well no USA for me unfortunately. But its been a rough ride..traumatized finding out everything was all lies. Now divorce, the a**hole wont file for divorce ..letting me pay for that too
  2. What counts as fraud in divorce court (where only one party is guilty) might count as immigration fraud (by both parties)… Have you spoken to an immigration lawyer FROM THE US or a divorce lawyer FROM THE US/ Sweden…? None of the above. A Fraud specialist laywer from the US. You seem to mix all this up with Visa fraud. There is no visa fraud in all this but plain fraud and false intend to marry for financial benefit. This is plain criminal charge or charge for a civil lawsuit. I would probably qualify for a work visa as a Nurse. Unfortunately anullment is not a thing in Michigan as i understand it. Im simply trying to figure my way around this situation.
  3. With all respect you dont really know whats in the chat logs. A laywer called it a def. Entering marriage with false intend.. I might not qualify for vawa but why would that risk me coming to US ?
  4. Thank you so much ! I will do that right away
  5. Thank you, I have learned that the internet is his playground and i wouldn't wish upon anyone to experience what i have, so if he could be "flagged" at USCIS that would be the best tbh. I was clever enough to bring the marriage certificate with me home. So i will divorce him from Denmark. Im just very confused right now sorry.
  6. You are probably right, right now im traumatised by it all and trying to figure things out. My whole life has been shatterd etc. Im not supporting him fully but over some months ..
  7. Thank you ! I have a ton of proof. page after page of chatlogs, reciepts and so on. He hated talking on the phone so everything is chatlogged. I had to stop reading them because it made me sick. The lieing, manipulation and everything is so clear. I didn't see it at the time, only remember times of confusion on what he said etc. Very traumatising. I will look into it all thank you so much. Im trying to make sense of my life right now since it has been broken into a million pieces.
  8. Thank you, im looking into possible crminal charges for fraud. To me it looks like he never intended to have me immigrate. But only wanted me to support him from Denmark. So i think that he married me to "keep the fraud going" He asked me to marry him.
  9. I left Us because i didn't know where to go or do when i found out about it all. I was in a state of shock. Status on spousal visa has just turned to *taking longer than expected*
  10. By financial benefit i mean that he actually wasn't looking for jobs, letting me pay rent etc. I dont have any family anymore here, i have made friends and have a close relationship with his kids. Thank you for the link.
  11. There are many many more details to all this. I im therapy because of this. My whole life and future i thought i had was all lies.
  12. Since May my husbands behavior changed alot. Suddenly silent treatment while i was there and finding out about other women. We have spousal visa pending. I have visiting every 3 months staying for 3 weeks. I left after 5 days with my personal stuff. I was completely in shock and had a very bad feeling. We been together 2 years and married 10 months. I have temporary living in my country getting ready for GC. Only a bed and personal belongings. I have read through chat logs etc. And there is no doubt that he has been grooming me, gaslighting, silent treatment, lies..lies lies. I have paid for furniture, helped out with rent, gerting his car fixed etc. So he could get a job, keep it etc. When waiting time on i130 now said weeks.. this behavior to me in direct person. Cleary all other visits has been love bombing to keep in loop. I cant find a new place to live that i can afford in my country. Im pretty sure this whole marriage and relationship is fraud on his part for financial benefit. I am so lost and dont know what to do. My future was in US and now nothing and the place im staying told me i will have to move out in September. Can i do Vawa? Hours and hours leave little doubt about the mental and psychological abuse he put me through. Please ..i really didn't see it. I know i should have but i didn't.
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