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Everything posted by roughlyworried

  1. I just tried updating my country but it was already set to China. I tried changing consulate. Not sure why it was showing taiwan. Fair as in they will consider evidence in the interview in addition to my highly unusual case as described earlier? My wife is middle class and from a good area in China (Guangdong). seen all these horror stories on here of people in high fraud countries getting denied without additional evidence even being considered they submitted at the NVC and interview. Don’t know if China/Guangzhou is one of those though.
  2. Just noticed my consulate is Taiwan for some reason. Let me change that. It’s Guangzhou where the interview will be. Seems like Guangzhou would be different in that case?
  3. Coming back to this a little late, but had a specific question since I’ve seen you comment on NVC and interview brought evidence before in VJ. Regarding both NVC and hand brought evidence to the interview, I’ve seen it mentioned that COs are not required to consider either, and only required to consider what’s in the initial I-130 petition. Considering our original I-130 petition only included our first ~3 month trip together, and not our subsequent trips, would this still be considered enough time on its own? Further, would they completely ignore the clear evidence that we’ve been together for much longer? Specifically with China if you have knowledge of that. Just some concerns as our fate date draws closer
  4. Makes sense. I’m just getting concerned because we spent a lot of time after our initial petition together, in fact the majority of the time after the initial I-130 was spent together. However, in the I-130, they only have our original couple month meeting trip after getting married online. And seeing that COs are not required to consider hand brought evidence and side loaded NVC evidence, it’s made me wonder what the best path is since our time after the initial filing seems to be critical to our case.
  5. Hello, Is it better to side load at NVC or take additional evidence to the interview? I’ve read some conflicting info, all anecdotal of course. Some say that it can affect a COs decision (I’ve also heard a CO makes a decision before the interview even happens and if you side load it can end up making the decision positive?) I’ve also heard that they could already have made a decision and not even consider hand brought evidence and deny. Others say it won’t affect their decision even if side loaded. Some say it’s a red flag. Again others say an I-130s approval is enough since that means the CO would believe the relationship based on the available info and adding additional info without their asking could cause them to reconsider what USCIS already decided. of course I’m once again asking for opinions, but still curious and confused. Our original I-130 only has one meeting together, whereas we’ve met a few more times since filing. Thanks!
  6. I’m right here with you. Except I don’t even have an AR. The separation anxiety recently has been brutal.
  7. the idea of adding the unsolicited evidence seems nice, since, if approved, when it moves on to DHS and consulate the information is already there for them. Although I know you can do that at NVC as well. There’s also the consideration that, even if I add unsolicited evidence, and I still get an RFE do I just submit the unsolicited evidence again.
  8. Little late to the party, but this makes me wonder if I should add unsolicited evidence from our time together after the original petition, or to just wait till interview.
  9. Hello, thinking of hiring a new lawyer. Has anyone had any experience or worked with Gary Chodorow (writer and owner of lawandborder)? He seems to be pretty experienced, especially with Asia. Just curious if anyone has worked with him or have second hand knowledge of people who have. thanks
  10. Hello, so I’m actually writing this from the airport in the third country we’ve lived in for a year. My wife just left on the plane and I’m due to leave back to america in another few hours. Anyways, just a few questions I had that I’ve been meaning to ask when I got the time. the evidence I have for us living together in Thailand is 3 things: 1. pictures. 2. lease agreement with owner for an apartment we stayed in part of the time I was here 3. Passport stamps for the lease agreement, I attached it below with personal info blocked out. Curious if you guys think this is good for the interview, since it doesn’t exactly look professional due to the landlord not speaking/typing native English. I guess it’s optional considering all the pictures and the passport stamps we have. I guess it couldn’t hurt?
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