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Everything posted by Tom.Jen

  1. I saw the approval on the case checker app. The app didn’t send me a notification tho
  2. We got approved yesterday!! 🎉 Exactly 1 year. NOA1: 15 August, 2022 NOA2: 15 August, 2023
  3. Yesssss finally!!! So happy for you!! 🎉🎉
  4. They got that by filling out their timeline in their profile. VJ gives you an estimate based on your date of filing by keeping track of previous filers’ timeline updates. So please please please fill out your timeline because it helps fellow filers tremendously!
  5. They started working on July cases yesterday 🎉
  6. I wonder if they started processing May today
  7. Yesss! Congrats! I’m really happy for you! 😊🤗
  8. Unfortunately you don’t get to decide. All petitions are processed in the California service center unless the US petitioner has a serious criminal background (then it’s sent to Vermont). You file your petition via mail, not in person.
  9. Yes, I can say it with confidence that this spreadsheet has a big role in keeping all of us sane 😄 it’s made by @Obllak huge thanks to them!
  10. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sN2bo1xZhs8oVU6-QDUdBXBX2_ci8_QJ0wiz59Gp6H4/htmlview?lsrp=1#
  11. It took about 2 weeks for us to receive noa1 after sending the package
  12. I saw somewhere here on the forum before that if you have the interview in your native country you don't need get the police certificate translated. Is that false information?
  13. I've been taking screenshots to try to find some kind of pattern in the "Total cases" percentage changes. So far it seems like the number ("% of processes cases") for the most active month (February right now) goes up around 3% every day. They started working on February when January was at 46.55% (+18.41% touched). They started working on March when February was at 34% (+15.48% touched). I'm assuming March will take longer because there are many more cases, but *in my personal opinion* they should start working on April in about 3 weeks tops
  14. I started taking screenshots daily of the "Total cases" from the spreadsheet. They started working on February after 3 weeks of processing January. They started working on March after 2 weeks of processing February.
  15. Yeah, I was super nervous about it. I thought we messed up something 😅 anyways, we’ll see, thanks for your help! 🤗
  16. Yeah it says august 15. So I guess we should be in the august group even tho we sent it at the end of July and only received noa after ~2 weeks
  17. I see, thanks! I’m super confused now tho 😅 I always thought it was weird that we got our noa so late compared to everyone else. I guess we’ll just wait and see (if anyone knowledgeable would be so kind to help me figure it out by our wac number, I’d really appreciate it 😊)
  18. We sent ours on July 27 but only received noa on august 15. Now that makes me wonder, do we count as July filers? I always assumed we’re august because of our noa date
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