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Everything posted by Wyboxcx

  1. That’s crazy! I am relieved for you finally getting a decision but still, it is bittersweet I am sure. I wasn’t sure as your screenshot didn’t show when each item was received.
  2. Congratulations! Is the 72 weeks wait at the DOS alone or in total DOS + USCIS?
  3. They probably haven’t posted the statistics for hardship last year because it is shocking: a dramatic increase in the rate of rejections, even after 2 + years wait time at DOS. Depressing
  4. USCIS is issuing RFEs to the majority of hardship cases these days, asking for documents already submitted with the initial filing.I received an RFE that considerably slowed down the process and the crazy thing was that my RFE was identical to an RFE received by someone else during the same time. I suspect that USCIS is using RFEs as a strategy to further delay hardship cases. I was able to overcome the RFE by basically sending them a new application but the other person's response was not enough and they had their hardship case denied by USCIS!
  5. I am more disturbed by the fact that filing a write of mandamus has become the only way to make them decide on hardship cases .
  6. That exceeds even the DOS own posted timeframe. These delays have become ridiculous!
  7. That is accurate. In my case it took them one year exactly to forward to DOS. When did you apply with USCIS?
  8. I hope that with more lawsuits the DOS will finally realize how inhumane their processing times are and finally pick up the pace.
  9. Finally! Must be a relief for you. But what an ordeal honestly. This is a nightmare.
  10. it works fine for me . Check your case number? What is the error that shows up?
  11. I am not entirely sure about this but I would guess that in hardship cases the hardship should be for the US citizen and not the applicant. So I don’t think they care much about the applicant. But again, hardship is complex and when one member of the family is affected you can argue that the whole family is affected. It’s just really difficult to get it expedited through DoS. Are you going to expedite through a congressional inquiry?
  12. Congratulations! That is a huge relief. Although the wait for over a year to request sponsor views is sad .
  13. You would think that by now the State Department would have denied the case but it still shows as pending. I wonder if he/she received a request for missing information.
  14. This is getting ridiculous. It is clear that the DOS not only does not consider hardship waivers a priority, they are deliberately delaying them. I wonder if he sued them.
  15. I am interested as well. As far as I know, it is near impossible to get DOS to expedite the case, unless it's a life or death situation or government interest. During the pandemic, some people were able to expedite based on the fact they work in healthcare and are thus needed for US effort against the virus, however, since then DOS stopped expediting on this basis. I did see some other people who were successful in getting their cases expedited by DOS post about it, but what is very frustrating is that these people never share the reason why they got the expedite approved and are generally very secretive about it.
  16. See that’s what I meant by some people get lucky. It’s absurd that this process takes a widely different time to get processed through USCIS. It’s very unfair to people like us who have to endure absurdly long wait times.
  17. Mine took one year exactly at USCIS. After 9 months they sent me an RFE and I responded and they forwarded it to DOS at exactly the one year marker. Some people get lucky and USCIS forwards their cases to DOS fast, others must wait a whole year.
  18. You did the right thing, waiting since 2021 is truly inhumane and the State Department should pick up the pace and decide on these cases faster. Delaying hardship cases can only create more hardship. Please keep us updated about your case.
  19. Anyone know how long does it take for the DOS to update forms i-612/i-613 as received after USCSIS puts the case on hold and requests their opinion? I still don’t see it reflected on DOS website.
  20. It is possible to submit new evidence to DOS and they will accept and consider it, although they prefer you include everything with the initial filing. If you have new information I would send it to them. I definitely would not file a completely new hardship case as that would mean starting over and waiting all over again.
  21. Has your case already been forwarded to the DOS by USCIS? What do you mean submit a completely new hardship case??
  22. According to the person who filed that case they didn't use an attorney and they did not expedite, but I heard they have a strong case (hardship to US citizen child). Regardless, it is strange that DOS decides on a case filed in march 2022 while cases from 2021 are still pending...
  23. There is really no reason for such extremely long wait, makes receiving a rejection even more devastating.
  24. Yes it is very mean, and that's why most lawyers advise against filing any Green card forms before having the waiver in hand.
  25. Oh my god. That’s insane!! Have you considered filing a writ of mandamus?
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