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  1. No what I’m asking is… when they asked me “how was you husbands ex marriage was he married before?”” I could have just said “no I’m his first wife”. They would have never known … like they have 0 info on him
  2. we already passed our CFO but had to go through 4 time going there with different info they ask for..... but after getting it done... i just thought of something -could i have just told the CFO interviewer that my US citizen husband has never been married before??? i mean they have 0 information on him.. the only info they know about him is what i tell them..... so if i just would have said he has never been married,.. presented his certificate of capacity to marry from his state.... they would have never known and i would have not had to go through so much hassle?
  3. I tried to find the answer to this but cannot find... here is my question My fiance has 2 kids from a previous relationship. We are planning to do the K1 visa for just her and to bring her kids at a later date after she gets here, gets settled in and comfortable. My question is.. do I need to add them as a dependent on the Affidavit of support if they are not coming yet? Or just my fiance and I since she is coming first and kids later.?
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