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Everything posted by Hanijani

  1. Didn't have an option to choose lawyer. They wanted their own lawyer. My center would be Vermont too. Do they take long even with premium processing?
  2. What are the chances of approval of -O1 visa? I do not have great research and publications. I have one first author publication and multiple poster presentations and case reports and few 2nd author publications in which i provided pathology part of the study. I insisted my employer for O1. They could do J1 too. Now the letters and other papers that lawyers asked me scared the hell out of me. And i am thinking i should have agreed to J1.
  3. Even if you do not withdraw and your employer file the conrad 30 for you. As per my lawyer the USCIS and DoS stop working on Hardship waiver and its very unlikely getting a favorable recommendation during that time.
  4. After favourable recommendation and getting H1 job, do the J1 and J2 apply for GC at the same time or J1 first and then J2?
  5. Consult Jeffries and Corigliano immigration law firm. They are not my lawyers, i myself am consulting them, someone suggested them to me. Consultation fee is 100$. And they have appointments in Feb available only.
  6. Those applying for O1, are you applying on your own or your employer sponsored you O1?
  7. Is it safe to go back to home country for few months and apply for job after the waiver come through? If the Employer wants in person interview on what visa can i come back? Is it easy to come back? Or get visa again. Any suggestion? Physician from Pakistan, what do you think. The visa situation in our country. if DOS processed my case on 12th month it will be November December 2023. I can stay till October 2023 with board extension. What would you guys do in a situation like this?
  8. I am trying for O1 too but employers are offering J1 but not O1.
  9. At what point in residency you (and other physicians here) filled for hardship? My case is at DOS for a month now and visa ends June 2023, at most can stay till october with board extension. I am wondering how are you guys planning to stay? Or you still have time?
  10. I have a question. I don't know how to comment without replying to a previous one, sorry for that. If my fellowship is ending June 2024 and my hardship is approved November 2023. Do i have to change status within 3 months? I cannot wait till June then?
  11. I think you can do it by leaving the country and coming back. Per my understanding only hardship waiver( I-612, I-613) and J1 waivers are tied together. Changing to H4 would be the same people change to O1. But again thats my understanding.
  12. My lawyer is also charging the same (3k at filling, 3k after approval) i also got RFE he didnt charge extra.
  13. Thank you for your reply. I remember my lawyer had prepared DS3035 at the time of submission to USCIS. I dont know where he had sent it(uscis or DOS). But i will ask him about the tracking number. I meant where is the number written, but never mind i asked my lawyer.
  14. So i basically said my country is not safe for my kids, they asked for my personal experience, which i didn't have. Then i said there will be financial hardship as there are not many jobs for my specialty and they are not will paid. They asked for proof that i tried for job but there wasn't any in my country. I don't know if my case is weak now as i didn't have proof for some of these RFEs.
  15. So does this mean its forwarded to DOS? How do you get your DOS case#?
  16. My case was received march 23rd 2022, RFE requested 10/13/2022, RFE response received 10/28/2022. Case on hold11/14/2022.
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