What a clueless post. Typical American entitled attitude, nothing new.
You claim to be in the PH since January but I very much doubt it. If you did you would know the situation for most people in PH, and how a lot of them would believe/do anything if it meant there was a chance to support their family, including going abroad.
The fact it inconveniences you personally is a very selfish attitude, CFO is there as an extra layer of security to ensure those going abroad will not end up in any harm. If just one person is saved then it's worth it for everyone to spend time and money to get it.
Not to mention CFO is very easy as well as fast to get. Is it perfect? No, but it's certainly not the overly dramatic worst thing in the world like you imply.
If you don't like the laws of the country you are in then maybe go back to your precious USA, I don't you will be missed with your attitude.