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Everything posted by g3dan00

  1. Interesting. For the record mine was approved on the same day in USCIS.
  2. Hi, sorry to hear that you went into trouble and congrats on the approval. By 21 days you mean from the day you received Favorable Recommendation until the day you saw "Case Approved" in Uscis i-612 case status?
  3. 4th and 5th? My lawyer alone said they are submitting 5-6 of these every month.
  4. Thanks! Depends on your timeline. If it's less than 1 year (since i612/i613), then you probably need to do them, since the lawyer would have a better case. I personally didn't since my case was just over 1 year. And the lawyer was just totally fine.
  5. How long does it take for DoS to send the verdict to USICS and for USCIS to send the actual i612 approval back to us? Does anyone have any experience with this part?
  6. Got FR today after submitting WoM 2.5 months ago (DoS asked for a 2 week extension). My lawyer reached out to me this morning and said AUSA told them the case is approved. The site was updated roughly 3 hours later. Paid 3.5K for the attorney and highly recommend them. Dm for the attorney recommendation.
  7. No offense, but you don't know what you're taking about. All your timings are wrong. Please don't state your opinions as facts in a public forum. I don't know what you're trying to prove here by spreading misinformation. For anyone reading this guy's response, don't trust my words, don't trust this guy's words. Have a consult with a lawyer before making a decision. Consults for WoM are almost always free. Edit: Yes I do. I have data for over 600 hardship cases and have analyzed them month to month by submission, day of the week, year and volume. YOU don't have data but you're posing as if you do.
  8. Hey, two questions: - Were you notified by your lawyer? or you just randomly checked everyday until you found out it's favorable? - Do you remember which day of the week you noticed the change?
  9. Pardon me, but it's very likely that the lawsuit had EVERYTHING to do with the approval. 16 month approval is a luxury now. 21+ is a norm.
  10. That was me. By "majority of us" you mean the 15-20 people who added numbers externally? And even some of those came from reddit. The website had over 600 cases the day I took it down, all of which was found automatically. Every case in DoS is practically public. There's nothing valuable about your or any body else's case number. I took the website down because when the admin blocked and deleted my comments here nobody stood up for it expect one person.
  11. My lawyer actually advised doing that and said none of their cases have been denied so far.
  12. I came upon this reddit post from 1 month ago where i485 is denied because they concurrently submitted with i612. Weirdly enough I know two cases where they exactly did that successfully and just took the approval (one cases even the screenshot of DOS) to the interview and got approved. Does anyone have any information about this? Any experience?
  13. 1) we are less than 10% of all applicants in this forum. 2) there are many pending applications posted if you dig into the forum rather than reposting 3) there is no pattern
  14. Really sorry for what you've been going through and congrats on your approval (finally!). Could you please tell us: - your country of origin - whether you had government funding - the attorney that helped you with the prosecution case
  15. Really sorry for what happened. Hopefully things will get better in no time 💜
  16. Personally I prefer forum over chat just because our data can be used for future waiver submitters. In chat all is gone after a while. It's also hard to traverse since it's not paginated.
  17. I get you. But we are outliers of 300 submissions per year. Otherwise this forum had many more users.
  18. It's not 18-22 months at DOS. Usually 12 months. Those 18-22 ones are outliers.
  19. I have the same problem: Currently, there is no information regarding the status of your case. If you would like additional information Maintenance probably?
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