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OldUser last won the day on March 10

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    Mostly AOS, I-751 and N-400

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    California Service Center

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  1. In many offices, photo is taken as you check in for N-400 interview. The next opportunity for photo is when you apply for US passport. I don't think naturalization cert is that important when it comes to photo anyways. Good luck !
  2. Tips from my lawyer: 1) Short answers is the king. Yes / no answers if possible are better than any other types of answers 2) Don't volunteer any information or evidence unless asked for it 3) Don't engage too much in chatter before or while in the intreview - that eliminates chance of tricky questions / volunteering more info. Civics questions, reading and writing skills is sufficient to validate English proficiency 4) Dress with respect. Full suit isn't necessarily a requirement, it's not a fashion show. At the same time, don't wear casual clothing such as ripped jeans, tshirt or flip flops 5) Adjudicator wants to hear simple answers and finish interview faster. They may combine several questions into one. Be ready for this 6) Watch out for switch from questions requiring NO answers to YES answers 7) Don't overcomplicate things
  3. Question on USCIS form asks about legal marriages only. For that matter, civil ceremony followed by religious ceremony isn't treated as two marriages. In order to marry, one must be free to marry (legal term), which means either their prior marriage ended up in divorce, they never married before or their spouse died. Whether marriage to same or different person doesn't make any difference. I cannot add anything else after this comment, it's pretty clear in my opinion
  4. Did you request those copies yourself? Are they certified copies? It may sound strange, but this happens with marriages (not sure about deaths). On day of marriage I received "document" named marriage certificate. But it's not a real thing. I had to request and pay fees to get certified copy, which is a legal document accepted by USCIS. Or as @Edward and Jaycel said, maybe they lost it.
  5. Did you send a certified copy of death certificate? Where did the death occur, inside or outside the US?
  6. Yes, if I-751 extension is valid it can be used while petition is pending, regardless of N-400 in place
  7. Sigh... two ceremonies doesn't mean a person is legally married twice. I had a marriage at city hall with 4 people which was legal marriage and religous ceremony months after with many guests and family. I got married once. USCIS is going to be super confused and will inquire about divorces if one says they were married twice with no divorce in between.
  8. USCIS will ask for it if @Nishris says married 2 times. I'd recommend using the latest form. USCIS is known of wrongfully denying cases on such technicalities
  9. Depends on your field office!
  10. Depends on your comfort level. - Since filing N-400 - minimum - Since marrying US citizen - maximum You can pick either minimum or maximum or in between. In between could be "since filing I-751" or "since becoming a LPR"
  11. Typically those tax return transcripts downloadable from IRS website are sufficient. Just print them out.
  12. 1. Yes, fine 2. 0 3. The question asks how many time you were legally married. Unless you divorces and remarried, you've been married 1 regardless of how many ceremonies you had celebrating your marriage. 4. Need more info 5. Additional evidence 6. Additional evidence. Just write a short letter saying you have pending I-751 (case number) and you'd like go adjudicate I-751 and N-400 together.
  13. They are LPRs and cannot get tourist visas.
  14. The best course of action is to return to the US and not leave for few years until they naturalize.
  15. When and how you met, where you work, general questions about you and your background to ensure she knows you, your past marriages if any etc.
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