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Everything posted by Eddie101

  1. Enjoy the days with your fiance(e). Maybe when you come back on 4th of July you have good news. We were May 3rd filers and just got approved (5th). So you are just 8 days behind. Could show up any day, but try not to check everyday and instead enjoy your trip🙂 (Got the approval while I was visiting my fiancee🙂)
  2. That's so annoying. When we started this journey NOA2 to NVC2 was 30 days. Now it's more like 60+ days and probably takes another 5+ months until finish line. This is a marathon.
  3. Recently, we were checking a lot with the app and it looks like results are usually available quite a bit past the end of there working day. Waiting everyday and being disappointing the approval is not yet there is stressful, but it'll show up. Ours was May 3rd and just got approved a week ago.
  4. It looks like there is a bottleneck on the NVC intake. Previous months took roughly 60 days to get it there. Getting an interview by October could be tough, depending on the consulate.
  5. You don't need to do anything about it. The officer in the consulate will automatically extend the validity of the approval.
  6. Well, the sending dates there are from NVC to US embassies. Checking the current stats and previous months, it currently takes about 60+ days to get the file from USCIS to NVC. NVC itself requires about 21 days to process data. So something like at least 90+ days before the files shows up at the embassy.
  7. It could also be the officer is still partially processing cases before May. I felt the same, my block of neighboring cases were slower than others but then it got faster and finally approved. It'll happen soon.🙂
  8. Hi, Hoping NVC will move quick again for us. Right now looks like at least 60+ days. Thanks for the above guidance on our next steps:)
  9. How would the FB author even know getting rejected because not labeling photos? I doubt the UCSIS would send a rejection with that explanation. I am sure you are fine with your petition.
  10. Thank you and all the best for a speedy approval in the next coming days🙂. They are definitely much faster and only be a matter of days.
  11. We got approved yesterday after 398 days🙂. So happy. Thanks for everyone on this site keeping up our faith.
  12. Woow, that would be awful if they keep us in a holding pattern after I-129F... NVC seems to process relatively quickly (21 days) once it is there. Just sending stuff over including some post-processing should really go much faster than what we see now.
  13. It somehow looks like that. All we can do is speculate. The more we look at it the crazier we get. It's sometimes good to not look at it and just be patient.
  14. That's true. Watching over a year now they seem to have a processing window that spans over several months. Of course they have to find ways to fight the backlog that piled during covid and moving forward not necessarily sequentially can help the average processing time for now.
  15. Well, then some filers seem to be stuck at a very slow checkout.
  16. I think that's to polish the average processing time. Of course, once the trailing behind cases are being processed it drops again.
  17. You might be one of the first when they start June. I am May 3rd but somehow they seem to avoid that day so far;) I think they have their chunks of files split by weeks or so sitting on their desk and you are screwed when you are at the bottom of such a stack. As end of May filer you might be lucky to be on top of a stack.
  18. Congrats to you. It feels good to see people getting their cases approved.:) Right now it seems there is a bottleneck USCIS sending cases over to NVC, something like 50 days. Maybe they have to hire more people for that stage of processing. Or they coordinate with NVC to send cases over depending on how individual consulates are able to handle them. Some months ago they were faster.
  19. It is starting to get excited after such a long wait. March has lots of cases and their processing rate is much higher now.
  20. Hi, I think you should double check the website of the US consulate of your fiance's country. In our case for it example it says police certificates from each country your fiance lived longer than a year. It should not be older than 24 months when presented to the consular officer. They need the original and one copy for each. An apostille is not required. So, yes it would be ok to already request those documents. But again double check the website of your US consulate. It may be different.
  21. I think that's not a problem. As far as I know they want the tax returns for the previous year(s), bank statements and real estate stuff like mortgage docs. So shouldn't be a problem whether it's April or August 2023
  22. I checked those in the App and they all say 'Termnation Notice Sent'. If you withdraw I think you get a different notice, maybe it's a K3 no longer required?
  23. That sounds like a wonderful time ahead. I am sure you can't wait the trip to start. Enjoy!🙂
  24. I saw that, too. It's interesting how those just made it straight through.
  25. Hi, we are also May 2022 filers. I'd suggest to wait until NOA2 shows up. I know gathering the required financial documents takes some time so it might be a good idea to think about collecting them already, but fill out the actual I-134 doc later as we might have to file an updated version.
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